I wanted a little tattoo in memory of my heart dog that passed away, so I went to a local tattoo artist and 'interviewed' him about the procedure and sterilization, costs and especially how the art goes from the idea to actually being permanent on me! There are a lot of steps that you wouldn't think of, so it's cool to talk about it and it's their job and also their art so they like to talk about it. If they don't, go someplace else.
Like you, I had a rough idea what I wanted and he took it from there, drawing it and making a few changes and even a few suggestions of his own until I was happy, then he used his computer to shrink it until it was the size I wanted. This took one meeting. I had to pay my money up front, so he was sure he was paid in case I turned out to be flaky, but I'm not sure this is the usual practice, but I felt comfortable with him so I wasn't worried. This guy's minimum charge is $50 and that's what I paid. I was with him for probably 2 hours total, so he's sure not getting rich doing this, that's for sure.
Then I came back and got the actual tattoo. I wouldn't say it hurt, but was more just really annoying. There is a numbing cream that you can ask for, but I didn't and it was tolerable. Here's the end result:
It's just a little paw print with a heart on the pad. I lost my Carly on June 12th and was able to make the appointment to get the tattoo on the one year anniversary of her passing a year ago now. The tattoo artist was really cool about it and he showed me a memorial he had to a dog on him too. I'm not sure if I'll get another one, but I got this one when I was 47, so it's never too late!