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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2005
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With all of the excitement over minimama's son's Flat Stanley Project I was thinking... Wouldn't it be fun to have another doll sent out just for the forum?! Think of all the "adventures" our little doll could have with no set time to return home as he travels all over the USA and even into other countries! The photos and stories could be uploaded onto an Online journal we could follow along as he goes.

So, what do you all think?
I think that would be lots of fun!! How about a mini horse doll instead of a Stanley doll that went visiting?? We have a couple of beanie baby horses that would love to go travelling!!

When my daughter was in kindergarten, they rotated a stuffed bear and every child had a chance to take it on an adventure. We took him to the beach when it was our turn. Mommy got to write about his adventures and then it was read to the class. We still have the goofy thing I wrote!! It was fun!!
Adorable! I think it would be awesome if we could use one of your Beanie Baby ponies!
I have a similar idea that could save people on shipping... how about a link to a "Stanley the pony" picture that people could print out at home, color themselves, and take pictures in their hometown and farm and then upload onto a special forum thread? That way everyone could take part, without having to wait for "Stanley the pony" to be mailed to them? People without a printer could try their hand at drawing their own free hand "Stanley the pony" that would be a real hoot!
ooh -- I like Billiethekid40's idea the BEST!!

I have a similar idea that could save people on shipping... how about a link to a "Stanley the pony" picture that people could print out at home, color themselves, and take pictures in their hometown and farm and then upload onto a special forum thread? That way everyone could take part, without having to wait for "Stanley the pony" to be mailed to them? People without a printer could try their hand at drawing their own free hand "Stanley the pony" that would be a real hoot!
Reo is an excellent artist -- perhaps she would make a Stanley the Lil Beginnings Pony drawing for us to print off and take places to pose for pictures -- and re-post the images & stories on a Back Porch Sticky Thread --- I LOVE this idea!!

Would you draw for us REO?? MaryLou can we do this???

There's no reason we couldn't do both. I'd really prefer to get a "traveling pony" in the mail but know that not everyone has money to spare for postage so having an alternative sounds fun.
:aktion033: Great idea!!

So, Nikki, I assume YOU are volunteering to do all the coordinating of this fun project??
: Wouldn't want poor Stanley to end up in the same place twice or anything :bgrin
I would be honored to draw a pony!
: Either a paper one or I'd love to make a flat one.

Just tell me what you want and I can do it. :saludando:
What fun! I think it needs to go to the AMHA convention!
Yay, REO! Okay, you have "free rein" to make LB's traveling pony! Thank you very much for volunteering.
: Do you think you'll make it out of card stock or felt or...? I don't think it should be too big but it does need to be able to handle a lot of traveling. Of course this also means YOU get to start off our pony's travels with a photograped "adventure" or two or three in your area before sending the lucky little brat off to the next stop...


(I'm thinking something like a blue halter for a colt and pink for a filly could be added, etc.)


Let's take some suggestions and then vote!

I think Reo should have the decision of what coat color and markings our pony should have, don't you all?
I like the idea of a "paper doll" type horse, too. Perhaps we could outfit him for his adventures when he visits.


Liz M.
Absolutely, Liz! If anyone wants to outfit our little traveling pony when it arrives, please feel free to do so. It'd be so darn cute if anyone wanted to make a little halter or blankie, etc. for it when it's their turn...
Wheeee!!!! :lol:

What size? Is about 8"x 8" too big?

Ummm I guess you all would hit me if it looked like Lotto :bgrin

When you all decide on the size and details, could you email me so I can get to making our mini?

This is fun!
I already have it all designed! :aktion033:

I was thinking along the same lines ML

I just need to know if I can make it any color I want?

Do we make a list of places for him to visit (with addresses) and the list travels with him so each person knows where to send him next? How does this work?

After I make it, who do I send it to first?

All I have to do is get the stuff to make it and give him his first adventure and send it on!
He must look like Lotto, and he must come here bearing sperm samples!!!!
*LOL* Have at it, Robin, he will be beautiful as a representation of Lotto. I don't know too many people that wouldn't mind having him visit...I know of a certain mare that will be on her foal heat not too too long from now. Hee hee!

Will be fun to see him go...

Liz M.

Send that mare on over here Liz! Lotto won't mind!

Wish I could Jane!

I have the pattern all drawn out. I'll have to make him chunky, if I made it to really look like Lotto, it would be too refined to hold up to adventures. LOL!!!
Okay, so I guess our traveling pony is a colt, then, by all of the posted references to "him."
: Should we give him a name or no...?

REO: I can't wait to see what this little one looks like! I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to pass him around, though. Should we make a list and send him in that order or should the person who has the pony decide what member to send to next and we can keep a list of where he's been? What does everyone think?

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