good deed for the day...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
NE Montana
Ok, so this morning, my MIL and I drove to town to dump garbage and pick-up mail. It was so foggy this morning, but is now clearing off nicely. Anyway, we got our stuff done in town, including my MIL buying me lunch. On the way home,

we were getting to one of the corners and there was something dark on the edge of the road, so we slowed down, then she tells me to back up. Its a dark calico kitty, although my MIL doesn't like cats, she also doesn't like to see anything

suffer, so we scooped her up and put her in the tote box I keep in my pick-up. She's skinny and cold, but she's not got a roof over her head and we have a new barn kitty. And, the other barn kitties seem to have accepted her, I went back

to check on her, and she was in wiht the other kitties.

[sorry no picture. Didn't have my camera with me, and she's snuggled with other kitties in a dark part of the barn.]
Awww Thanks for taking her!!! I'd bet ya shes sooo happy to have a place thats safe and warm! Good job and definately a GREAT deed!!
She seems to have settled in nicely in our calving barn. She's quite friendly, so probably belonged to someone, but the farms for probably a 3+ mile radius of where I picked her up are vacant in winter; she's thin, but not too bad. And, she's very talkative, you talk to her and she talks back and purrs just about the second you start petting her. We have 3 house cats already, so no more house cats; but she'd probably be very happy to come inside.
Now she can have a Merry Christmas at her new home! Kudos to you -- and MIL.

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