skylineminis, I would completely disagree with you as to your statement of only having one. I raise mini hinnys (same as a mule only opposite parents) I have always had a few together (4) in a pasture with my mini horses(30) and I also have miniature donkeys (4)in the pasture. You are right in saying they will bond together, but then again..a lone donkey or mule is exactly that..LONELY, they like to be with there own, but with mine when it comes to protection they all forget about there bonding and get right into protecting there pasture.. A miniature regardless if it is a donkey, mule, or hinny should NOT be bought with the sold purpose of protecting, no animal should be bought for just that reason.. If a pack of dogs,or coyotes, a small animal will not stand a chance. Donkeys do however, make great protectors and mine are worth there weight in gold, they have kept bears, etc at bay from coming into my pastures. BUT my donkeys are in the 36-37" size..a small mini would not stand a chance, even if a pack came into a pasture a lone standard size donkey wouldnt stand a chance. I do believe its there agressivness at the fenceline and there extreamly loud bray that scares alot of predators off. Mine seem to work as a team..the donkeys will go running the fenceline and bray there absolute loudest, making themselves seem 10 times there size, while the mini hinnys who all stand about 30-34"s will keep behind the donkeys and keep the horses back up at the barn, almost like they are herding them. NOTHING is allowed to come into my pasture, or the donkeys or hinnys will stomp them, even our barn cats know when they cross thru to make it a very fast crossing! One of the best things you can do is put up good fencing, with a electrical tape running towards the bottom on the outside of the fence and also one on the inside. We live in a area with alot of bears, coyotes, and wolves..they cross thru our fields but as soon as they hear the donkeys braying, they hightail it out of here. Our DNR has told me donkeys are the best for predator protection, when we had a bear problem. Corinne