Gypsy Winds Ranch is very proud to announce..........

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2003
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Yes, she FINALLY blew!!! I swear it was the POP heard round the world when she finally went. I have waited and watched this mare for so long, I have forgotten how to drive, and shop, and ...and.....341 days!!!

Last night at 9:30 I noticed my mare Socks looked like she was in a full blown labor. She has done this a couple times in the last few days so I was not jumping up anytime soon let me tell ya. She has even gone to the point of laying down and pushing....hard!!! And nothing happened. She was just messing with me. so, when she finally laid down last night, I didn't get too excited. I watched her on my camera waiting to see if her water would break or she would jump back up and start eating again. She got up, and went back down, and got up and went back down pushing each time she went down. No big deal, she'd done this before too, the faker!! Finally I am watching for the splash of her water and instead, there is a little bit of white. THEN I ran to the barn, which by the way is very close to the house so it was less than 30 seconds and I was at her stall. Yep! This was it! The real deal! We had a nose and two feet! YYIIPPIIE!!!!!!!!

Within ten minutes, baby was all the way out and moving around. Twenty minutes later, up and walking. Took a while to nurse but kept going and being energetic the whole time and finally got the hang of the whole thing. Mama just has and they are hard to latch onto.

So, with the story behind us, we are very proud to announce the very first foal by our stallion, Las Doradas Buckeroos Gold Echo.

Gypsy Winds Amazing Grace (filly!!!)




She is very sweet and my pictures do not her justice. She has quite the neck on her and is very upheaded and correct. And just has a great personality. Legs for days too!!! She is 23 inches and has an 8 inch cannon.
She is GORGOUS Stacy!

I would type more, but I got to get to bed!


Stacy... she is OUTRAGEOUS!!! WOW... I love her...
: Congratulations!!!!

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Midas did GREAT, Stacey! Grace is gorgeous! I love her face! Are you going to take her to Reno in July? Give Midas a hug from his big sis Missy! She's sure to be jealous when she sees Grace!
Congratulations Stacy! She's a beauty - so is mom! I know what you mean watching a mare - I watched one of Jenn Davis (bluerogues) mare for 45 days the stinker! She would lay down with her head on the feeder so the equipage wouldn't go off!!!

I'm waiting on Midas' mom (along with six other mares!!!) to pop - so we'll see what she has this time!

Congratulations again, glad you got healthy and color and a filly!
She's beautiful and worth the wait! YIPPEEE!!! Momma is lovely too! Congratulations!
What a beautiful baby. and i like the mare too!!
:aktion033: Congratulations! She is adorable and a great color!! :aktion033:

Wow! She's wonderful and my favorite color! The 2nd pic the mare looks just like my Thera! Same color too! Congratulations :aktion033:
Definately worth the wait and the sleepless nights! :aktion033: :aktion033: Congratulations!

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