Silver City Heritage Farmstead
Can't stop now (formerly Dragons Wish Farm)
Happy Independence Day!!

I've been a member for many years, but I've been on a, well, I guess a hiatus the last 3 or 4.
So I'll bring everyone up to date.
I'm learning to live my life as a single, 57 year old with a neurological disability. I'm returning to the REAL who I am, with my interests and talents at the forefront, instead if doing for others first.
I have Tejano, a 4 year old pinto stallion, 35-ish inches at top of withers, who I'll be registering into the Pinto Horse Association later this year. In many ways, he resembles a miniature Andalusian. That's him bowing "Good morning to you" in my avatar.
I just (literally today) sold off most of my bantam flock. I kept one Duccle Frizzle rooster, one Black Old English hen, one Delaware hen, one blue I-need-to-identify-her booted/crested/beard/muff pullet group of bantams. The Black Old English is brooding a clutch of 10 that should hatch any day now.
I have a doeling Nubian/Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf and a Nubian/Pygmy wether, however, they are also for sale.
Two dogs. The first is my service dog, Monica. She's a Bloodhound mix, wakes me if I quit breathing at night. The other is my German Koolie, Cash. Unfortunately, he has a genetic autoimmune disease, and I'm just keeping him comfortable until he tells me it's time to cross the Rainbow Bridge.
I live in southern North Carolina, about an hour from the South Carolina border, and two hours west of the Outer Banks.
I live on 2/3 of an acre. Half of that is fenced in six foot chain link, and cross-fenced into 3 paddocks. One is a dry lot. There is a 14 × 30-ish pole barn.
My home is a modest one, that we've been rehabbing for the last 4 years. It's down to the wire though, I only need to paint the interior and add flooring. Due to what I'll call "life drama", it's taken twice long as anticipated to finish. I'll move in with things needing doing. However, two bedrooms, one bath and 600 sq. feet is palatial compared to the travel trailer I've been in!!!
I plan on continuing to develop a cut flower business, and have started making wreaths and other hand crafts to supplement my modest disability income.
I love God, love the world, love my family and friends. I am a person who is realistic, yet I very seldom take off my rose-colored glasses. I see the best in everyone and everything, if if they're acting ugly.
Tejano is started in harness, though he's been on the back burner since the beginning of April. (Related to the "life drama" I mentioned before.)
In May I finally realized I was grieving, so I gave myself a deadline of 1 July to do so without any limits. Now, I've gotten up, dusted myself off, bathed, and gotten a plan together. I hope to share the journey with everyone here.
A special shout out to my friend Ryan in Australia.....even though we haven't chatted much recently, I know you think of me sometimes when your taking a hack 'round. I've been using and appreciate all of your and Diane's prayers.

I've been a member for many years, but I've been on a, well, I guess a hiatus the last 3 or 4.
So I'll bring everyone up to date.
I'm learning to live my life as a single, 57 year old with a neurological disability. I'm returning to the REAL who I am, with my interests and talents at the forefront, instead if doing for others first.
I have Tejano, a 4 year old pinto stallion, 35-ish inches at top of withers, who I'll be registering into the Pinto Horse Association later this year. In many ways, he resembles a miniature Andalusian. That's him bowing "Good morning to you" in my avatar.

I just (literally today) sold off most of my bantam flock. I kept one Duccle Frizzle rooster, one Black Old English hen, one Delaware hen, one blue I-need-to-identify-her booted/crested/beard/muff pullet group of bantams. The Black Old English is brooding a clutch of 10 that should hatch any day now.
I have a doeling Nubian/Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf and a Nubian/Pygmy wether, however, they are also for sale.
Two dogs. The first is my service dog, Monica. She's a Bloodhound mix, wakes me if I quit breathing at night. The other is my German Koolie, Cash. Unfortunately, he has a genetic autoimmune disease, and I'm just keeping him comfortable until he tells me it's time to cross the Rainbow Bridge.
I live in southern North Carolina, about an hour from the South Carolina border, and two hours west of the Outer Banks.
I live on 2/3 of an acre. Half of that is fenced in six foot chain link, and cross-fenced into 3 paddocks. One is a dry lot. There is a 14 × 30-ish pole barn.
My home is a modest one, that we've been rehabbing for the last 4 years. It's down to the wire though, I only need to paint the interior and add flooring. Due to what I'll call "life drama", it's taken twice long as anticipated to finish. I'll move in with things needing doing. However, two bedrooms, one bath and 600 sq. feet is palatial compared to the travel trailer I've been in!!!
I plan on continuing to develop a cut flower business, and have started making wreaths and other hand crafts to supplement my modest disability income.
I love God, love the world, love my family and friends. I am a person who is realistic, yet I very seldom take off my rose-colored glasses. I see the best in everyone and everything, if if they're acting ugly.
Tejano is started in harness, though he's been on the back burner since the beginning of April. (Related to the "life drama" I mentioned before.)
In May I finally realized I was grieving, so I gave myself a deadline of 1 July to do so without any limits. Now, I've gotten up, dusted myself off, bathed, and gotten a plan together. I hope to share the journey with everyone here.
A special shout out to my friend Ryan in Australia.....even though we haven't chatted much recently, I know you think of me sometimes when your taking a hack 'round. I've been using and appreciate all of your and Diane's prayers.