Hey, Jill-

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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...that there's a new Stephen King novel out? I didn't even know one was expected-my daughter, who subscribes to "Entertainment Weekly"(or something like that...?)magazine, told me when it would be out; last time I got down to Sam's Club, there it was! Name: "Cell"-I had to finish a (good!) Nora Roberts book I was reading, started this one yesterday---IT'S A DOOZY! If you don't have it, you've GOT TO get it!! I'm only about 30-40 pages in, and have a hard time putting it down!! Hair-raising from the FIRST page!!
I'm a member of the S.K. book club and I opened CELL last night and I'm on pg 163!

Very good! :aktion033:
Got to have it!!!! With the exception of the Dark Tower series, which I could not get into, I've read everything he has written. And Dean Koontz!!
Oooooh!! I've gotta get it too!! Haven't read a Stephen King book in awhile. I never got into the Dark Tower series either.

Has anyone else read Alone by Lisa Gardner?? 448 pages and I finished it in one day. Good book!!
I know, lets start a book club!! Well, we have nothing else to do

Mind you I am going to need some good books soon, what with "mare stare" coming up.

Suggestions, please??

I have read anything from historical (Phillipa Gregory, I like) to some Horror- I really only care for Dean Koontz and Stephen King.

I am currently re- reading all my Terry Pratchett, but have to be careful with these in public as I get funny looks as I snort and giggle to myself (Poor Dear, there should be someone to take care of them, sort of looks
: )
Barnbum, the Nora Roberts book is "Northern Lights", set in Alaska. I'd never read her, but picked up a couple of titles of hers that looked interesting awhile back, and they were good light reading! I usually go for James Patterson, Johnathan(and Faye, but I like him better!)Kellerman-sometimes Dean Koontz, others of that ilk--but my all time favorite for light reading is Stephen King, for sure! ( I loved the "Dark Tower" series, but hated how long it took for him to finally get to the end of it--and I did NOT care for how it ended....)!

Only bad thing is, with a really good book, I have a hard time getting anything else done!! I need to go into the 'city' for my biweekly shopping and some other errands, but the wind's going to howl like a banshee today, so have decided to stay home(don't like to be gone when it's blowing THAT badly, in case something 'bends or breaks')-so am going to continue with "Cell" (Robin, I started it night before last, am on pg. 135 'only'-but, I did give a nearly 2 hr. lesson yesterday-roundpenned, long lined, hooked and drove, then unhooked and went with the owner as he ground drove out along the highway in the 'real world'!!-AND watched Westminster last night, so that's my 'excuse' as to why I'm not further along--Heeheehee!!)
I had stuff to do too :lol: Did my daily loving on all 23 horses, checked mares, emptied and refilled most of the waters, etc. Then got to read a little!

I'm just about to start reading again where I left off, page 263. The story is about to pick up and rock to the end.

OK, Robin....you convinced me. I have to go by Walmart tonight anyway. If they have Cell, I'll be picking it up!!
I've been an avid reader all my life; mostly junk unfortunately. I've read all of Koontz, but never could get into Steven King. If ya haven't read them I recommend the "Prey" series by John Sandford.

I get most of mine from one of the "trade a book" places. Return them by the bag full and take 'em out the same way. I don't think a "used" book looses any of its value. More money to buy more books that way.
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I just finished the Northern Lights last week, another very good book by Nora Roberts. I don't know if this one is completely new or has been rereleased but I am reading one now called Going Home. Only on about page 50, but it is good so far.
Yep yep yep!!! I got it from Amazon.com (pre-ordered it before release). BUT, I still haven't even finished the Dark Tower books and have them on audio and print! I am about 1/4 way through the 5th book. I just haven't been reading (or listening to books) nearly enough. He also has one out that was published only in paperback, but can't think of the name now. I have it in the shelves. I need to get back to reading and SK is my favorite and has been for 20+ years.

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