Cara first off i have to say i LOVE
what your signature says about horses and boys... thankfully my girls seem to feel the same way so far
i don't want anything i'm not entitled to but the best thing i could get for Christmas would be a check equal to the amount of money people have stolen from me over the years, starting with my ex committing suicide owing me a ton of back child support... and nowhere to collect it from now! i won't even go into the rest... but i could pay off both my credit cards and then some if i just had back that money...
since that's most likely not going to happen
i would like to see people be responsible for the animals they bring into the world and into their homes (or yards) and take good care of them. yeah, right, like that's going to happen either...
how about an end to the war... or gas prices at $1 a gallon
i would like to see my husband healthy, he feels bad so much of the time and he is so stoic about it, rarely complains, but he never feels like doing anything any more
i would also like to get my paycheck without actually going to work so i could spend more time with my horses and donkeys
a buyer with cash in hand to provide a good home for the critters i need to sell
how about getting my kids to do their chores without me having to nag them to death (my death that is)
geez, how about something realistic... i really need 3 pony cinches, you know the ones about 12-14 inches...
i have not been able to find any
and i would really love to have another year where we have no deaths, so far so good for 2007 which is the first year in a long time we haven't lost a single one of our animals for any reason
now i hope i didn't just jinx us by saying that
around here i don't have to worry about snow storms