Hit and Run

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
Just heard on the news

Oh NO! I think this is the same horse my exchange sister had her picture taken with on her trip to Toronto with my parents last year! Shes from Hungry and it was one of her first experiences in Canada. Not only was the driver callous enough to leave the injured horse there, the police man was injured too. What a shame, I hope they find him and give him what he deserves! (ie I hope they fid him with the front of their car!)
That is disgusting. The driver had no regard for life.

The driver was also very stupid. The officer should be able to identify the person, and the police should be able to trace the ownership of the car. From that, the driver probably won't be able to claim that the car was stolen!

The person is a DEAD DUCK and deserves to be charged with Attempted Murder and Aggrivated Animal Cruelty!

Oh, and if the car was stolen? I bet the driver left fingerprints and DNA all over it. I look forward to hearing that the jerk gets caught and gets the book thrown at him!

OMG, that is HORRIBLE....I hope they find the guy and...if it was me, as his judge, well..I would do alot more then throw the book at him!
Indeed, I hope the idiot is caught and given just desserts. I think he should be charged with attempted murder for it, even though he DID murder the poor horse, he tried to kill the police officer as well. If not for luck, he would have succeeded in killing both, not just the poor horse.

Why is it that attempted murder is seen as less horrible than actual murder? Many times if not for the talents of doctors and a great deal of luck, the outcome would have been the same anyway?

(forgive me this is a touchy subject w/me as I have a good friend that was involved in an attempted murder and his attackers got a fairly light sentence in light of "attempted" murder as opposed to "murder" when they DID kill this guy, the doctors and his will to live saved him (he was stabbed 7 times, each kidney, his lung, his heart, and for sure would have died had he not had doctors to save him in close proximity...).

Sorry to get off topic, I am sorry that horse had to suffer and die and then this person didn't have the B*lls to stay and stand up to what they had done.

Liz M.
Did you see what that guy was charged with????? I am TOTALLY DISGUSTED!!!!!

I'm with you MA, if that happened here in the states, he would have been charged with a hit and run and an offense of some sort re: assault or attempted murder of an officer. That's tragic and a gross miscarriage of justice in my book!!!
I'm with you MA, if that happened here in the states, he would have been charged with a hit and run and an offense of some sort re: assault or attempted murder of an officer. That's tragic and a gross miscarriage of justice in my book!!!
first of all let me say that i do think this guy was wrong, very worng for doing what he did. I live about an hours drive from where this happened. Now "failure to stop after an accendent" is a hit and run. And may i remind you that two over wight teens tried to charge fast food chains in the states! people get charged with everything possible in the states but still nothing changes. Lets just remember this man has been charged, and not yet sentenced. Don't judge what he has got, or not got away with until that time comes, for all we know he is the owner of the car and it was infact stolen!

again i do feel badly for the horse and all the officers invloved with the horse and with a doubt would show whoever did that what i'm made of, but I have no need to hate the man being charged till the courts prove him guilty.
I haven't read the story yet but it sounds pretty darned bad. You know here a Police Officer's K9 is considered a Police Officer himself, and anyone who hurts a K9 is charged with assaulting an officer. If this was a police horse, the jerks should be charged with assaulting/killing a law enforcement officer. They'd probably plead down, but still.... :no:
IYou know here a Police Officer's K9 is considered a Police Officer himself, and anyone who hurts a K9 is charged with assaulting an officer. If this was a police horse, the jerks should be charged with assaulting/killing a law enforcement officer. They'd probably plead down, but still.... :no:

My sentiments, exactly!!!

Even in the States, though, I don't think a police horse is considered a police officer the same way a dog is.

The way I heard the story on the radio this morning (on 680 News, for those of you close enough) was that the police officer had tried to stop the car, the driver took off, turned around and purposely drove into the horse. Now you know he would have been travelling at a fair rate of speed in order to knock down a horse that big and break two of his legs!! 680News also reported that it was Brigadier's own rider who actually had to shoot the horse on the spot to end his suffering. :no: :no: :no:

As for the charges, Dangerous Driving and Fail to Remain are very serious, although not as serious as attempted murder! I still think there should have been at least an Assault Police Officer charge in there, which really is VERY serious.

I'm just glad the mounted officer wasn't seriously hurt.
Yes, this person made a conscious decision to knowingly end the horse's life (let's face it, rarely would a horse survive such an impact just as surely as shooting it) and he made a serious attempt against the officer's as well.

Like I said, this COULD have been a case of actual murder of a police officer but for luck. He made an attempt, no doubt about it to me.

I am so sorry for the terrible way that horse died and for the people who loved him that had to witness it.

Liz M.
Oh my god, the picture in the second article made tears spring into my eyes. So many of us have been there, stroking their heads and murmuring "It's okay boy, it's okay, it's okay, everything will be okay..." even when you know that nothing will ever make it okay again. That was an OFFICER, hit IN THE LINE OF DUTY, and that idiot should bloody-well be charged with murder. There are many foul names on the tip of my tongue right now for someone like that.

Rest in peace, Brigadier.

This afternoon I sent an email to the attention of Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, and sent a copy of it to the Editor of the Toronto Star. Of course I offered condolences on the loss of their horse, and questioned the charges the accused is facing. I also expressed my opinion that these horses should be considered Police Officers and urged the police chief to take whatever steps necessary to have this enforced. I also told him I thought the horse died a hero for clearly having saved his rider's life.

I'm quite sure there will be a great outcry in the city of Toronto over this matter. I sure hope so, anyway.
: :no:
I haven't been able to even come and read this thread, I saw it on the news and I am just so upset at this senseless act of murder. To see poor Brigadier spending his last minutes lying on the cold pavement before he was put to sleep because someone decided to purposely run him over with their van just breaks my heart. The were showing his empty stall the next day and all the mounted policeman coming in and breaking down over the great loss of Brigadier. It is just so stupid and senseless and there is just no punishement that will ever bring him back and he did absolutely nothing to deserve to lose his life that way. It makes me absolutely sick with anguish.

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