Hitching help... Again...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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IMG_7207.jpg okay... What type of setup do you use to attach the end of this team pole to the horses to suspend it? It's the pole for my Jerald Viceroy.
It’s to tell from that picture what I’m looking at and I’m not real sure what your asking but I’ll take a shot at it. I’m guessing that’s the front end of a team pole and that spur looking piece is the stop for the neck yoke.I hope that answers your question
Sorry I should have been more clear. But you are correct in guessing that it's the end of my team pole. We were wondering if it was supposed to have a yoke with it. Luckily Jerald still makes team poles if you ask so I should be able to get a yoke for it.
Okay I think I'm going to change this pole since I'm restoring it and the viceroy anyway. I'm wanting to take the splinter bar with roller bolts off and replace it with a double tree with an evener bar. It's got a bolt holding it on and I'm thinking I can just bolt the double tree on with the same bolt. Then I'm going to replace that end that holds a yoke with an end with two rings since I'm not running collars and hames with yoke straps. I just have pole straps. Any reason why, done correctly, that wouldn't work here? I'm thinking this will make the cart much more useful for me and my driving style AND not cost any more than buying two sets of roller bolt traces for $200 a pair.
With out a neck yoke I think your brichen will be useless.I don’t know your driving style, I’m basicly a traditionalist so I try Togo with the way they did it 150yrs ago.
Without a neck yoke it would be similar to a marathon wagonette set-up. I can get the yoke from Jerald if needed. What do you think about replacing the splinter bar with a double tree?
The purpose of the neck yoke is to keep the harness/horses aligned. Many poopoo this, but in my experience, that is what it does .you can use a neck yoke with either type of collar.
Splinter bar will also keep the horses from one getting ahead of the other. Using a double tree can allow that extra play at the front which could allow the yoke to come off the end of the pole.

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