horse accident last weekend at Ram Tap

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hello everyone ,

A friend of mine was at Ram Tap in Fresno Ca. last weekend and she had an accident.

Allison completed her drassage class, and was getting started in the arena jumping class. First jump she cleared nicely , as she turned the corner and set up for the next jump her horse fell on her. She is still in a coma with brain swelling, fractured skull , and bruising on her lungs. a part of her skull has been removed to allow swelling , and a bolt and oxygen monitor has been added today as its the "72" hour , and a important time to make sure the swelling stops. Can everyone please send good thoughts, prayers or whatever you can think of to help her through this time . Allison is only 17 years old , she has her whole life ahead of her, I want to see her get through this and be able to ride again. Her horse is fine , and Allison was wearing a helmet, she never rides without one .thank you everyone , and if anyone wants the link to her recovery and medical journal that her family has set up for her please send me a message , and i will give it to you . she has over 20 pages of inspiring thoughts and love that the horse community has sent her on the guestbook of caring .
Thoughts and prayers for Allison. I'm hoping for a full recovery for her.

Prayers coming up for Allison to make a full recovery from this terrible accident.

Caringbridge has been a wonderful way to let everyone know the updates and allow us to reach out and offer support and well wishes.
My thoughts and Prayers are with Allison.
OMG, how horrible!! Prayers for her and her family coming from me too! So sad!

Oh my terrible!! My heart and prayers are going out to her and her family. Praying she gets through this.
Prayers sent for Allison. Hope there is good news today.


I am so sorry this happened. Good thoughts and my prayers going out to Allison. I hope she comes around and out of this very soon.
The poor girl! Adding my prayers and good thoughts for her recovery. My heart aches for her family and friends who are needing her to come back to them.
My thoughts and prayers are with Allison and her family.
I'm so sorry that happened! My thoughts and prayers go out to her that she comes out of this ok.

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