Horses turning devilish after you buy them....

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capall beag

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2005
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York Beach, Maine originally from Ireland!
I am getting a little upset here.

I just recently bought a sweet welsh x pony. I did not go to look at her but instead another pony but when I got there the owner said she had sold her, oops forgot to tell you :eek: . She had this other pony there who seemed very sweet. 11hh, seemed calm, easy to work with, very friendly etc. This mare was supposed to be almost 4 but I am thinking she is almost 3. She had a crumby start and had been bounced around alot and was in need of a home. I liked her and decided to buy her.

I got her home and started to work with her and give her some tlc. Much to my surprise she was better than I had expected. Calm to lead, load, groom, pick up her feet. I saddled her and lead my kids around the yard on her... I was thrilled my little diamond in the rough! I knew she needed patience and time and training to bring her on.

My only requirement of a horse is that it is not mean spirited towards my other animals or towards my kids.

Well, she was a bit mouthy with me but nothing that could not be worked with etc However, now that she is comfortable here she has turned into the REAL bossmare BIGTIME. There is no way I would put her in with my minis, she is not a jerk but bossy.

However, my real problem is that I have children visit my yard everyday to see my animals so my horses must be good with this.

I know people suggest not handfeeding horses but everyone who comes brings treats... that is what they do. I have 5 minis, 3 of which arrived malnourished and neglected and they are now wonderful, sweet gentle girls. I can go into the field and groom, handle, feed all my minis even my stallion and this is what I had hoped for in my pony.

However, this mare is now seperated from the minis but she has become VERY bossy through the fence to them around treats and she is naughty at feeding times. For me it is no big deal but she is not trustworthy around the kids when food is involved.

I am just very disappointed because she can't stay here with an attitude, it is just too dangerous with all the visitors. I had really high hopes for her but she is ruining them!

I guess this is my Q... finally getting to the point! This is the second pony/horse I have bought that was not dominant over their food, all had been neglected at some point in thier life, but give them some tlc and feed them at set times and basically treat them well and voila they get an attitude towards the other horses and become bossy. All of these horses have been mares. It is disappointing that she may not workout but I cannot run the risk of her accidently biting a child over the fence or a kid getting kicked by accident as she is aiming at the other horses.

No children go into the hroses unattended but they do go visit them over the fence.

She is not mean but she is very ponyish about her food now and seems to be getting moreso.

If I did not have kids around I could be more patient with her and work on this but I had a horse bite a visiting kid before and I thought the mother was going to loose it!!

My kids know how to behave and the warning signs to watch for but not all kids do.

There is no point in me having horses here if friends and visitors cannot enjoy them.

All I wanted for the kids was a quiet sweet gentle little pony but it seems hard to find? I had the most wonderful ponies as a kid and they never had bad attitudes...maybe I was just incredibly lucky??

I like to rescue a pony if I can from a not so great home but maybe this is not a good idea when looking for a childs pony??

Do horses personalities change depending on their environment?

Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of alone time
: when I am outside I always have kids in tow and I really want to be able to encourage my kids to get involved and help out.

What are your opinions on this?

I feel horrible that this may not workout but safety must come first.

Sorry this is so long....
"Do horses personalities change depending on their environment?"

You bet they do! I'll bet these horses might be getting bossy because they are used to a harder hand or possibly very little contact at all and they've figured out that you and the children are often around, they can get their way around you all and best of all they get treats for it. IMO, you and the children really need to become the leaders of your herd and the treats need to STOP for the most part especially for the mouthy and bossy new mare. It seems like you have easily identified the problem but aren't willing to work on the solution because it's not as fun as giving treats or not as easy as rehoming these "naughty" critters.
Well, I appreciate you input and agree somewhat.

I don't give treats to the new mare and I am the only one that works with her. I take care of her feed, exercise etc. I really like her and although I would not be mean i do not take crap from my animals either. I have 6 dogs and 6 horses and if I am not in charge then it would be a disaster. She is not naughty with me but I think you are right she has it all figured out who she can get away with things.

The difficult issue is that although I caution kids when they visit not to get too close or nto to feed the pony just the minis I am not always here, sometimes just my hubby, and I cannot monitor the fenceline 24/7.

I know what she needs and it is just some rules and consistency but in the meantime her attitude is unsuitable here.

My point is I would not have bought her had I known she would be like this because it just is not suitable here. SHe is a lovely pony just needs to learn the behaviour that is acceptable etc.

My minis were a little naughty when they got here btu it did not escalate with time it improved as they realised they were safe.

I am not afraid of working with animals, I have trained many friends dogs who were unmaneageable and enjoy the challenge but when you have children there safety MUST come first.
how long have you had her?? it really takes some horses a long time to adjust to being moved. I have found the more owners they have been through the longer it takes. I wouldnt do any riding just ground handling until shes less stressed and settled. Also keeping her alone may make her meaner. Also ponies do not in my experience act at all like miniatures. sometimes people who are not used to that it can kinda shock them.
Fiona have you tried just asking her to stop??

Seriously, next time she does it take her aside and tell her that is not acceptable and you want her please to stop doing it.

She has not had this said to her before so she may not know you do not approve.

Humour me, try it!!

And...BE Nice!!!
I'd say just give her some time and continue with that TLC. When we got Rocky, he was a nut case! You could hardly walk him without him trying to jump on you should see him today. You can do anything with him, he is just a sweety pie. I think, in my opinion, the more time you spend with a horse (even doing simple things like brush, walk ext) the better behaved the horse gets. But if you dont have the time, just make the best with the time you have.

I'd say yes, horses personality change in different enviroments. You havnt had her long, Maybe she isnt use to having allot of people around her. Did the place you bought her from have kids? If you have kids around you whenever your in the barn, maybe she's just not use to that or all the attention.

I hope it all works out ...

You know what!!

I am out of breath because I have just been running up and down the driveway with her, almost 1/4 mile driveway! And I thought to myself "What the heck am I thinking!!" I bought this mare a few months ago and nobody had taken the time to teach her anything and now I am upset because she is acting inapproriately
: DUH..what an idiot I have been!!

I love this forum because even writing my Q made me think it through and now I realise I am expecting too much of her!

I think I just get stressed out because we live in an area where horses are a novelty, this happens every Spring! The first warm day, we are having unusually warm weather here, and every non horsey person arrives at my house with their kids and their friends kids to 'visit'. I do love visitors but I get stressed that someones kids will get hurt with their bagful of carrots and my horses drooling over those yummy treats!!

I need to give her time and patience and show her what I want.... Thank you KayKay, Rabbitfizz and Envypoodles... Sometimes you need a reminder

Thanks Leeane too I did not see your post until now!

While I was running with her I thought how beautiful she was... I will update you on our progress!!!!
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i hear you sister!! sometimes typing it out is like thinking out loud. We all get frustrated! my bet is she will come around fine with some more time and patientce
[SIZE=14pt]Dont forget some dicipline too.....when you described her immediately I thought SPOILED pony. Sometimes when we get the rescues and they need extra love and attention we forget that they also need boundaries and dicipline. We get lots of visitors here too, somethimes from the special ed classes. For that reason I dont ever hand feed treats to my horses. I dont want to run the risk of them thinking a child, or even Robby has something in his hand and accidentally take a bite. I offer treats but in their pans. Not in the hand.[/SIZE]

I was taught when I was a child NEVER to feed anything by hand which is hard for a child with her first horse, but it is a lesson well learned, I feed treats everyday, but they go in the buckets, when we have visitors they want to feed treats, I make them put them in the buckets. Good Luck, ponies can be tough to work with. Kathy
Ah Fiona, you always make me smile. She's a smart one that pony and as our Jane said, have a nice cuppa with her and tell her that "none of that nonsense will be tolerated here"! After all she is in the perfect home and you need to remind her of that. A nice growl heyyyyyyyy will do nicely when she understands. OR you could chat with Bonnie if it continues to be too difficult.
One of the things the old school teaches is a good way to ruin an animal is to buy one who has had better care than you are prepared to give it. Looks to me like you have one who has had less care and attention than its getting. In this case we have to be smarter than the horse. Once it understands whats expected the quicker it will be willing to please. Don`t give up on the animal just yet. There were some excellent suggestions in previous posts. Like all good training methods not all work on every horse but all are excellent methods to start with based on the progress you might be more than pleased with the willingness of the animal to fit in with the rest of the herd.
I agree with Lyn that the pony just sounds a bit spoiled and needs guidance and a job. Hopefully your situation will allow you to work safely with her without little ones getting under foot, or hoof so to speak. Or maybe there is a young/small experienced rider in your area that could come put some hours on her for you. You never know, with a little work, she could turn out to be a little gem.

My biggest concern for you is the kids you have visiting. Make sure you protect yourself.

We get a lot of visiting kids here too, wanting to see, pet, groom the ponies. First-timers are always told "Go get one of your parents, and then you can meet them together." While the parents are here I always explain that working around horses is inherently dangerous and eventually there WILL be an injury. It might be a minor smooshed toe, or something more serious. I don't allow kids to give the ponies treats by hand anymore, but I do let them drop treats in their buckets when they are finished working with them.
I have one mare who is capable of being a "witch". She has always been highly strung and more than a little naughty. She is not spoiled!!

Eight years ago she bit my friends daughter without provocation, the child walked trustingly up to the fence and Honey bit her finger (which had been placed gently up her!!
: )

Child screamed- her finger was marked and bruised. I packed both off to a friend who was a nurse and for a few minutes I was really cross.

Then I went and caught Honey up and had a word with her.

I explained what she had done wrong, and I told her she was not to do it again.

Of course we were also very careful of where Sarah went after that , but I was determined that, if it happened again,Honey would have to find another home.

Sarah got "horse wise" very quickly...BUT, Honey has never bitten anyone again.

She had had no experience of children, she did not know they could be "broken".

Honey is still a "witch" she will still swing her ears and threaten me when I check her bag.

But she does not bite (she has never kicked).
:new_shocked: Maybe this behavior is what has gotten her bounced around so much Ponys can be quite stubborn critters. Like Fizzy says talk to her andd explain. Like everyone some will listen some won't. Maybe you should invest in a little Bonnie time.
She really is a lovely pony. She's right beside the other horses, so she's not really alone. When I was there I noticed that she was pawing at the ground for attention. She followed us around the fence line and when I didn't pat her, she pawed. That just tells me that she's pretty young (emotionally) and needs some ground work. I'd call her a pushy broad.
Ha ha, Thanks for that Tracy!!

She really is a pushy broad!! She has dug a 2 foot trench from pawing!!

I just put her back in with some of the mini girls and I think she is happier.

I know I could work with her and I will btu my real concern is that she is too immature to be my kids pony. I would not trust her groundmanners, right now, with my kids. Well, I got her for the kids
, so this is disappointing.

If I had been looking for a project she would be perfect but I was looking for a kid friendly leadline pony, she may be that in the future but not right now she isn't!!

Most of the time she is very good but she is not good around her food... She will turn her rump and back up into you in a threatening way if she feels threatened around her food, this is NOT good! I worry about this, my kids know the rules but if they messed up and went into her at the wrong time it would be a disaster.

We'll see, I will have a chat with her!!
Maybe some of the small buckets that you can find at the paint stores to feed treats out of?? they can be found at the dollar store too. No more from the hands. :no: I have one girl that thought she was going to be the boss at feed time too. she turned rump and started to kick and I yelled and popped her with my hand. The look on her face was so funny. Now she looks to see who is their and a sharp no does the trick.

They are just like dealing with a bunch of kids. Seldom a dull moment.
send her on up fiona! I'll get her driving and give her a job. She'd also be out with my horses which i'm quite certain she wouldn't boss around!

Rabbit..LOL i have to agree..i think sometimes they really do understand what we are saying when we speak to them! My haflinger gelding came to me as a "problem" horse.he is the epitomy of a "spoiled" pony! he's pushy, he loves to plow over you when he thinks your not paying attention.... he always thinks someone should give him a treat.... he's strong and he know's it..he'll just start walkign away and try to drag you along. He really gets on my nerves but I'm capable of handling him more so than most people. he's only 6 years old and had been bounced through soemthing like 6 owners in the past 3 years. I started driving him and riding him and he started doing alot better. well he was a bit of a turd in the spring while hitching him to cart..he wouldn't stand still on the long lines and he wouldnt' stand still long enough to get his shafts on him. I had it "out" with him and really worked hard on it. i finally got him to stand enough to HURRY and get him int he shafts but not without a fight every time..i finally got really upset and said something like "darn you horse if you don't knock it off and start behaving yourself andstanding still ect i'm truly going to sell you...i've really about had it with you!!" and i very much ment it i even started getting advertisements together that night! anyhow.. the next day he was FINE.. perfect gentleman...stood like a stone while i harnessed him and even spent "extra" time not just hurried to get him hitched before he acted up again.... I just thought "huh.. he's having a good day" ... well guess what..he was REALLY REALLY REALLY good just like that every day for about a month before i had to stop workign with him because of other stuff in my life going on! i do think maybe that little conversation from the heart made him think he better behave because he had it pretty good! i'm guessing he's been with me longer than he'd been with anyone else and that's not saying a lot cuz i've only had him a year now!

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