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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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Northwestern Missouri
Shake is some sort of magician. He manages to get out of his properly adjusted sheet without undoing the chest, belly band, or leg straps. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, any tips on getting him to keep his clothes on? I'm seriously thinking about putting him on hidden camera and figuring out how he's doing it. lol
Get one of the one-piece ones that goes from head to tail??? My big horse gelding used to get out of his sleazy and I had to put a halter (breakaway kind) over it so he couldn't do it any more. That won't work for a regular sheet though!
What happens is when they are laying down if those elastic leg straps aren't tight enough they get caught on a hoof. When they stand up they some how manage to get at least one leg out and that's all it takes! Hoods rarely stay on without a sheet and I'm at the point that I don't even use them any more except for late fall or early spring shows. Too much hassle!
Oooh really, even with the leg straps? My guy likes to take his clothes off... but the leg straps stop that behavior and he's given up now.

I don't know how they do the things they do...

Duct tape?

Other than that I have no idea. I, too owned a Houdini(biggie) that cost me a couple hundred dollars in blankets until I gave up on them.
Ive got one. He slips out of the leg straps then spends the rest of his time rubbing backwards on the stall wall till he's got it over his head. Then he steps on it with his front feet to get it all the way off. They are so smart
I'm doomed to have a naked horse all winter. /sigh I put the sheet on because it was getting chilly at night and he was just body clipped for the Lincoln show. With Nationals coming up, he's soon to be clipped again for that. I may just have to duct tape him into the darned thing! lol
When I read the title, I thought yes I had a Houdini colt - but he would get out of his paddock into the next one over! Could not figure it out. We have big cattle panels (the wire ones) and 2 x 12 boards between the paddocks. Then I was out there one night later than usual and it was real quiet. I was in the stallions pen, and heard a "splish splash splish splash". The colt was walking through the shared water trough!!!! There was only about a foot over the top of the trough, and he ducked down and slid right under. Couldn't believe it!!

I would try electrical tape wrapped around the body where the girth is. The electrical doesn't leave the glue residue like duct tape, and it will stretch and break before duct tape will.

Good Luck
I have seen them do the same thing. They manage to pull it off over their heads. Smart cookies

If you cross the leg straps and tighten them up he should not be able to do it.

One more thing is to tie a string ( I use baling twine braids) tie it to the back d ring under the tail and to the other back d ring. You have to make sure it goes under the tail. So he can't pull it over his head because the tail is keeping him from sliding it forward.

This has worked for me on several occasions.
One more thing is to tie a string (I use baling twine braids) tie it to the back d ring under the tail and to the other back d ring. You have to make sure it goes under the tail. So he can't pull it over his head because the tail is keeping him from sliding it forward.
I would not recommend baling twine under the tail! Baling twine is very, very itchy to sensitive skin and the skin under their tail and on their toot is about as sensitive as it gets!
Our Houdini gets out of his neck wraps constantly, I have been using 3 wraps to help, also put a halter on very tight to keep neckwrap in place, he gets out of all of it.

Ours unties ropes. Doesn't seem to matter what kind of knot. I've started tieing a few short ropes around his stall to keep him entertained during the day. They are never bitten - always very neatly untied. And once untied, he picks them up with his teeth and flings them into other stalls.

We have to tie him with one of those ropes with a ring on one end and a stap on the other, or he's loose as soon as he thinks you're not looking.

He can also unbuckle halters.
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Without opposable thumbs? Impressive!! LOL!
Yeah - don't ask me how he does it, but I've buckled halters around the bars of his stall and come back to find them in the stall, with the buckles undone. I thought the first time that I had just forgotten to fasten it, but it has happened too many time. I can barely unbuckle them myself sometimes. I don't know how he does it. I guess when you 24 hours of free time you can do just about anything!
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I have one that opens two gates, the gates have sliding latches, so I had to add a chain with snap to them to keep her from opening them.

My gelding I lost was pretty good at shedding his fly sheet, I'd find it all over the pasture.
but he would get out of his paddock into the next one over! Could not figure it out. We have big cattle panels (the wire ones) and 2 x 12 boards between the paddocks. Then I was out there one night later than usual and it was real quiet. I was in the stallions pen, and heard a "splish splash splish splash". The colt was walking through the shared water trough!!!! There was only about a foot over the top of the trough, and he ducked down and slid right under. Couldn't believe it!!
Now that is too funny!!!

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