HouseKitty, Blue, missing...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
NE Montana
My house kitty, Blue is missing. Blue is a siamese mix (looks siamese coloring, but was barn cat born), about 3 years old, neutered male.

Blue was sickly as a kitten, so strictly indoor kitty. Then this spring, my husband, decided he should be able to get outside a little bit, so we started taking him out for supervised walks around the yard, when was comfortable with that, we started letting him out on his own. He's been coming back on his own in about 2, maybe 3 hours tops; well today he's been out since about 9am, and its almost 3PM now. I've been outside calling and checked his usual areas, but no Blue. My husband is hauling hay in with the semi, so there's a chance the semi noise has him freaked out so he's hiding good somewhere, but so far no kitty even after almost an hour of walking around the property calling his name. [We live way out in the country, nearest neighbor is about a mile away.] Hubby is out getting the next load of hay from the field so the yard is quite, but he's due back soon, so think good thoughts and help bring Blue back to the house.

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I have faith he will show up for you.

Once, I picked up a free cat, about 5 years old, and two days later, she escaped. I set out signs, drove around town for days. About a week later, my husband was at the front door...and had her in his arms. That was the best!!!!! Bottom line: She was in a new location, and still came back to our home.
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Hope he comes home soon. There is nothing like the not knowing.
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He's back, he was waiting for me at the door when I finished horse chores. Whew! Little stinker, but glad he's back safe and sound.

Everyone probably thinks I'm nuts worried about a cat that's been gone for only a few hours, but... This is a cat that didn't step foot outdoors for over two years; we had lost our previous house kitty (she just disappearred), so when we brought this guy in he was going to be indoors only and that suited him at the time as he was a sickly kitten. But, this year, we started letting him outside and he has never been out for more than 3 hours, tops; always comes in a mealtime (noon if out in the morning, as he doesn't want to miss lunch). Today he missed lunch and missed supper, as he came in after suppertime. But, he's making up for lost meals, as that's the first thing he did was hit the dinner dish.

Thanks for letting me worry here.
Glad to hear he is home safe and sound.
It's amazing what a hungry tummy will do.....

Glad to read your happy update.
I don't think that your NUTS at all for worrying about a family member that you obviously care for. I'm glad he's home safe and sound.

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