She's still doing well! I haven't seen any monumental improvement like the first two weeks - she's sort of leveled off which was disconcerting (but geez, I know nothing about this stuff and I assumed it was all down hill and she'd be completely fine in a few weeks
: ). We had to go on a family trip over the weekend - I say "had" because my in laws planned and paid for it so we were forced to go under duress! :bgrin...and my boarder took care of the horses while we were away. She was overwhelmed with all there was to do and forgot to love on Phoebe! As soon as Phoebe saw me on Sunday evening she nickered at me and hobbled toward me...that made me feel good. She's mighty spoiled since I groom her and love on her at least 3 times a day....I love seeing her little face every day
So she is maintaining her weight and her perky attitude. She's getting another trim tomorrow and if CMHR would like we'll get some new x rays as well (the vet wanted to see rads again at 4 weeks). I hope that will cause another bit of improvement. I definitely take some pictures and let you all know how she's doing afterward.