How Much Can They Pull Comfortably?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm not talking about over a long distance, etc. stamina comes from fitness. What's a good rule for the maximum amount a horse can pull in relation to their body weight if they are healthy and in shape? How much can they pull in a cart over a distance? How much on a dredge briefly?

My new guy is about 48" and built pretty solid. I'm 5' and 130 lbs. a 29" mini pulled me with ease so I'm not worried about that. However, having my only real experience driving be with 'blue collar' draft horses who do a little farm work, I think it would be super cool to do that stuff (scaled down) with my pony! Maybe log a little? We do hay with the drafts, so maybe a little of that kind of stuff ?

Thanks in advance! Driving is exciting!
Your new guy is the grey built like a welsh mtn pony, right?

You could do quite a bit with him regarding farm work - even single. As to weight - I can't remember what was actually stated to me. I think it was about 1/.2 the weight of the horse/pony, but not sure. I've tried a variety of things with a pair of much smaller shetlands - some has worked, some hasn't. One of my largest mares, by herself, is a "wimp" at pulling (43" @ withers & weighs just under 500 lbs). She has a "weight limit" which is significantly less than what my other, much smaller shetlands will easily & HAPPILY pull by themselves. So part of it is based on what your guy will pull, LOL.

There are so many different weights to "dredges", "stone boats" and other items used to pull w/o wheels that it's hard to guesstimate. Just know that they are more difficult to pull than one on wheels on packed ground (vs wheels in loose dirt or sand). I've used something as simple as a tarp to move items around and as heavy as a large "sled" made for training draft horses... They've pulled that both single & as pairs (not mine). I currently have a guy going to give me some prices on building a training sled for my little guys... We'll put the implement seat on it that is meant for my forecart (haven't even tried it on,
the forecart ). It will still be removable, not just bolted on.

Vicki's ponies are now pulling not only her on her forecart but HUGE trees that my ponies will not pull - but she has had the chance to keep them consistently in shape and pulling whereas I have not. That makes a big difference.

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