Willy is 28, or so... Healthy, not too fat , not too thin, good feet, a bit of a crest on his neck. Never been sick a day in his life (knock on wood) Stalled in deep shavings with an open door policy, he can go in and out as he pleases, has the option of dry grass, pasture grass, or straw, and some grain in winter. He looks great, coat shinney, and newly floated teeth (last time for this lifetime) He rolls and gets up faster than the young minis... but my husband thinks he has only 2 years left in him. This made me cry... how long do donkys live , and what else can I do to keep him healthy and strong. He has great Alp grass, and fresh glacier water, and blankets for all seasons... 2 more years isnt enough. I am just starting to get to know and bond with him.Are there any dangers I should watch out for as he becomes an ultra senior?