Human Cheese...

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
London, ON

That is so nasty. I read some of the comments, too, and some are saying that it's more gross to drink cow's milk. I think many people are more polluted and toxic (processed foods, inhaling smog/pollution etc.) than your average cow. You don't know who's cheese you're eating lol. The person could be really nasty. So many reasons to just not go there lol.
Ick! I wouldnt eat it, maybe if it was made for your own children to a certian age that would be different. It is recommend that babies get breast milk for as long as possible, maybe a new way of getting it to them after they are to old to be nursing?
Something just not right about that lol...ick.

Okay...after I got over the "gag me with a fork" factor I still find the whole idea ridiculous. If there is such and overabundace of human breastmilk then it ought to be banked and sold to people who can't produce their own to feed their babies.
I do not think I would even "buy" another womans breastmilk to feed my baby. The reason is cow milk is removed from the cow under USDA guide lines. Human breast milk is not. What if the lady is just a slob and doesn't keep herself clean? Just sayin'.
Kind of weird but at the same time I'm intrigued? Well, actually, more so baffled that they're serious about this lol I guess I can see their point? Sorta? But I've heard horse milk and camel milk are the healthiest for any baby/person but... You don't see me out there milking Missy! There's just some things that shouldn't be done because of the overall creeper factor. I think this is one of them!!!
Well, that is interesting to say the least...I will admit that my initial reaction was, "eewwwww...gross!!" lol :D someone said above, it might be an okay way to continue gettin YOUR OWN child his daily dose of breast milk at an older age...

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