Is anyone else bugged by these studies?

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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London, ON
I'm so tired of hearing that everything on the planet is good for you in some ways and bad for you in others. Like, duh.... It's always something in excess. ie. Too much coffee has been linked to breast cancer, too much alcohol causes brain shrinkage, etc. etc. It all seems like wasted money for studying things that are common sense; everything in moderation. Come on. If I worried about every little thing that was bad for me, I'd go insane and live in a sterile bubble. Another prime example is this propensity of mothers/families to sterilize their children against dirt, germs, etc. THAT'S HOW YOU BUILD IMMUNITY! My sister in Boston tried that for a while and her kids were always sick. She was always trying to "protect" them against germs. Conversley, my sis here with two boys, let them basically just be boys and play in mud and other stuff. Healthy as oxen. When did we decide to be afraid of the earth? When did corporations decide that fear was a great marketing tool? Hmmmm.....
If kids are never exposed to germs they can never build immunity..thats why my kids are so healthy!!
Yeah, I find these supposed "scientific" findings pretty ridiculous too, but society in general does seem to be lacking in common sense these days. If people can sue for not being told coffee is hot or for walking into non-sliding doors, then maybe they DO need an expert to tell them that eating a lot of fast food will cause them to gain weight.
If people can sue for not being told coffee is hot or for walking into non-sliding doors, then maybe they DO need an expert to tell them that eating a lot of fast food will cause them to gain weight.

When my daughter was little I made sure she was exposed to measles, chicken pox and mumps as soon as I knew someone had them. 'Course that was a long time ago. I'd probably be charged with child abuse now. LOL
Yeah, I find these supposed "scientific" findings pretty ridiculous too, but society in general does seem to be lacking in common sense these days. If people can sue for not being told coffee is hot or for walking into non-sliding doors, then maybe they DO need an expert to tell them that eating a lot of fast food will cause them to gain weight.

You said it girl
If kids are never exposed to germs they can never build immunity..thats why my kids are so healthy!!

Yeah...sorry if that came out wrong. I meant that, yeah, exposing your kids to germs is how they gain immunity.
Yep.........Everything in moderation.........that's pretty much my moddo.
My stepmother is a germophobic and an obsessive neat freak- her house is always clean and her kids are always sick.

The only reason I like those studies is that they proved what I already knew-CHOCOLATE is GOOD for you. Duh! I already knew that...
My stepmother is a germophobic and an obsessive neat freak- her house is always clean and her kids are always sick.
Heh - my dogs & I are much healthier than anyone I know... which figures as our house is "lived in"... neat freaks would be horrified!

The only reason I like those studies is that they proved what I already knew-CHOCOLATE is GOOD for you. Duh! I already knew that...
DUH, indeed. Chocolate is one of the basic food groups - everyone knows that!

And then of course there is the 5 second rule....
.. I don't always follow that one, though.
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