It's an Otter!!!

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vickie gee

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
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Our female anatolian shepherd Kylie has been really busy this week. Latest token of her seemingly unending protection/affection was a huge dead otter near our pond. She did not even mess up the animal. We might have it mounted. Probably pretty expensive but I have a co-worker that moonlights in taxidermy. I did not even know that otters live in these parts! She was laying down beside it like it was going to go somewhere. Probably thought it might "play possum." Just last week she killed a huge raccoon and is missing part of her ear lobe. Treating it with Vetarycin. And she had been keeping herself posted outside the stall of the pg mare (that foaled yesterday). For all I know she may have made sure the bag got off the foal's face. I will never know. I do know she is very maternal. Both the female and male dog were laying outside the stall grinning like chesshire cats when I came home to find mare with new foal. She slips in and out of the stall to give the new colt kisses. Animals are amazing sometimes.
Vickie, Sounds like you have a very special dog there.... Instead of having the otter stuffed, why not skinned? Otter pelts used to be very desirable for their softness. In fact they were trapped to almost endangerment, I believe.
Yes, I suppose a pelt would be an option. My husband is really wanting it mounted though.
Would like to see a picture if possible.

Would like to see a picture if possible.

The taxidermist needs measurements so we should be taking it out of the freezer this weekend so we should be getting some pictures. I wish my husband had taken some before he froze it. Not really sure what kind of "pose" to expect though.

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