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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I did "worm" my "tri colored" mare before I "carted" her and told her her sire is "the own son" of his sire.

I am also not sure if I should have her "breaded" in the"pastor" since she is a "apple looser...Thure..everybody's hair standing up yet?? :lol: :lol:
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OK...but if you had breaded her right she'd have folded by now :lol:
:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
LOL Christine......if she was breaded I would have eaten her! Probably with a little cornbread! (inside joke :lol: )
OK...but if you had breaded her right she'd have folded by now :lol:
Now you KNOW I did NOT bread that mare..My stallion did..thats just WRONG!!
: :lol:
Is this a "female" horse that you are talking about?
Yes Marnie..this is the female that had a female "colt" last year.. :lol:

Remember..the Spotted One/... :new_shocked:
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:bgrin LOL! I was in a similar situation today. I told my friend that I was dewroming myself today, (as in by myself deworming the boys), and he thought I meant I was taking it for me! It's so hard to talk to non-horsey people with horsey lingo that we've all known to understand :bgrin . By the way, Deworming today was the best! My boys were wonderful angels--(I suckered em' with apples)
: . Good Day.

: Kim
Well, I guess if you were on the East Coast in Pennsylvania, she would be a Philly!


Roxy's Run Miniatures
Over this side of the mountain you either have a colt, or a filly-colt .......duh!
Gee, thats not too bad. I know a gal that had her paint mare bread to a tri-color stud who came into season last April and fooled a colt that was a cute little girl this March.
: [i think it is easy for some dog breeders to get confused as to whether they are talking about dogs or horses. Nice thing about this forum is they sure can learn the difference.
Over this side of the mountain you either have a colt, or a filly-colt .......duh!

Well, around here they have "stud colts" and "filly colts".

Is that like.. "mareseatoatsanddoeseatoatsandlittlelambseativy"?... LOL!!!

You know, sometimes you just gotta say... "What the.. ...??" :lol:

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
That is hilarious, and I hadn't been reading this topic...........glad I opened that up
I have to admit that I do sometimes say worm instead of deworm because deworm is just kinda gross and it's longer to say and it just comes out that way, I can't help it. And, depending who I'm talking to, I may say "stud colt" and filly because some people, if you say colt, they'll ask you, stud or filly and I know they will, I know they wouldn't catch what I just said so rather than have any confusion, I'll just say stud colt. Especially around here, hillbilly country. It's been that way for as long as I remember around here, a baby foal is known as a colt, boy or girl. But I'll try to do better on the worm and deworm thing, ewww, I hate even writing deworm!
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:risa_suelos: :risa_suelos:

That is funny!!

Personally I love all the 'local' terms .............being from Ireland so many old timers in the horse world use 'odd' words to explain themselves but I know "right, what they mean", I would NEVER correct them because they know so much more than I ever could/would and I like their chatter.

I went to a very strict Irish private school and EVERYTHING was very prim and proper and etiquette was key and correct wording etc......let me tell you it made for a very boring day!!!!!!!!!

Give me a country fair any day with all the farmers and 'their' talk any day, it makes for a wonderful day!!

Personally I don't care what you call it or how you call it just be good to your horses
:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: '''

LOL You guys are TOOOOOO Funny....my tri- colred minipaint just bred another bi - colored mini paint'LOL

Know where ya all coming from ......

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