Little Hobby I Have!

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
London, ON
Hey All

Just wanted to share some cool pics I've taken this summer. I have many friends in Toronto who are photographers and they inspired me years ago to start shooting; I don't do it as much as I should. I shoot architecture, wildlife, people, horses (of course
: ), and anything else interesting. Here are just a few I wanted to share:

This is an Eastern Swallowtail Butterfly Larva that I found eating my dill (begger!):

This past Saturday night we were driving back from a restaurant with my partner, mom, and twin brother and it was raining cat and dogs and...FROGS! There were hundreds, even thousands all over the road (yes, there were many smushed ones...yuck) My partner, as child, figured out a way to hold toads so that they would "speak". This is a pic of a "talking" toad:

We have barn swallows every spring...very cool:

We have kildeers here that nest in the gravel. In order to detract predators from the nest the make the biggest commotion and feign a broken wing. This is a pic of one of the eggs hatching (very rare to catch one). They are fully feathered and ready to run at birth:

One of my mini-lop/holland lop cross rabbits:

Hope you enjoy!

P.S. More puppy pics soon! The little ones are growing sooo fast!
You have a VERY nice camera
: Really neat pictures too
: What kind of camera is it? Teri
OMG gorgeous! May I use the first one for a desk top?

Of course you can :bgrin! Thanks!

Thanks for the compliments, guys. It is a great camera, I have to say. It is a FujiFilm FinePix S602Zoom.

Yeah, Jo, I used a Macro setting for the larva pic (I'm pretty sure I did
: ).
I love these!!! It's easy to see it's not just a hobby but a gift as well! These are awesome pictures. I love the caterpillar one the most
I think Jill is right, you have a real gift!!!

I like the hatching Kildeer!! Beautiful Shots!

Thank You for sharing!

Wonderful pics!! You do have a real "eye" for photography!! I'm with the others in that I like the 1st one the best, as well!!
I forgot my fave from the last few weeks. We get Ruby-Throated humming birds here and so I put up a feeder; we get a family that has been using it as their sole source of nourishment. In this pic the bird almost looks like an angel:


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