liz topic got me thinking about some ADCs

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]Nootka, can you relate some of your grandmothers stories here.... I am very interested. Also anyone else that has had any impression, images, comunications anything related to that Near death or after death comunications.[/SIZE]


I've had so many I'm afraid I can't post them all here. They started when my brother was killed and I was a teenager.....and have occured periodically right up into this past year..... They include actually seeing my brother in full visual, hearing his voice, my mom's voice, seeing my mother inlaw's image, smelling special scents, and lots of subtle "signs" when the timing was just too coincidental.....not to mention our PETS! Then there are the dreams that are so real you aren't sure if the person is dead or alive.......wierd, I know.

The best thing you can do is journal and document everything. Otherwise, it will drive you crazy. I also recommend a book called, "Hello From Heaven" which is a documentation of hundreds of different experiences by different people. The authors' last name is Guggenheim.

I'm sure that people who have never lost anyone really close to them will be rolling their eyes right now. But others will nod their heads and quietly admit that -- yes, there have been times when they felt they were being "contacted" and that things have happened that they can't explain.

It's gotten to the point where I don't care what people think. My husband used to roll HIS eyes....until he also experienced an ADC from his mom. It was wonderful.

Lyn, please share if you can....or write me privately....that's okay too. Unfortunately this subject can be touchy.


I had a dream, and it is the only one I have had since my dad passed away. It was a dream with my dad appearing next to God talking directly to me. It was only head shots of them and of course, the visual of God was obscured but they were speaking to me about something specific and using a word I had never used before and frankly, didn't know the meaning to. They were referring to something in particular in my life and I won't go into the details but I looked up the word to see if it was referenced in the Bible and also looked it up on an online Bible reference and discovered it applied exactly to what was referred to in the dream. Now, I was skeptical here. People have dreams and their mind can make up all sorts of interesting things in their dreams but what still gets me to this day is that I had not heard this specific word before and was unsure of its meaning and had to actually look it up by a number of means to see what exactly, it meant. And then to see how it applied so specifically in the dream and to what it was in reference to was eye opening. Of course I would like to believe my dad spoke to me in a dream and he is safe with God but I am not 100% certain of what the dream's origins are.
[SIZE=12pt]Ok, here goes #1 story she told me that she felt very surely was a communication from "beyond" or however you think of it:[/SIZE]

My grandmother had just lost her youngest boy, Jr. (Porter Dee) to a terrible act of mistaken identity/violence. He was just 17 years old.

She was so distraught over this that she was at a point where she wanted to just lie down and die, just give up. She did lie down on her bed and laid a long time where she figures she fell asleep.

She didn't realize she was asleep, though, and looked into a mirror that was near her bed, where she saw a reflection of herself, but not lying down, standing next to the bed. She looked as she looked exactly, but she noticed that the reflection began to age and age and age and got very old before falling over dead on the bed. She knew in her heart that she was being told she was not going to give up, because she would live a long life and die an old woman. She died at 83 in 1995...

The next one was after her husband had died. She again felt very worried about him, and wishing to know if he were ok.

She was sleeping in her recliner when she heard a knock at the door. She answered the door and saw there her husband, Porter (sr.). He was just as she remembered him except he was not sick and looked fine and happy, in his old porkpie hat he had worn before he'd taken very ill. He looked at her for a moment. He then turned and walked down the steps toward the walk, but the walk led to a barbed wire fence that he parted and began to step through. On the other side, she could see instead of the street, freshly tilled earth like a field. He stopped moving and turned to look back at her with a grin, saying, "It's not much, but I am happy here." and gestured through the fence at his "land" she assumed.

She knew indeed that if he had what he showed her, in his existence whereever he was, that he was, indeed happy and so she never felt a worry over him again, or what became of his spirit.

Both occasions she felt were very clear in their purpose and meaning and were not like usual dreams she had of deceased. She felt a clear purpose within those dreams/communications and knew while they were happening that they were important and not to miss any detail.

I know it sounds odd, but these were the only real communications she had that she communicated to me and I could tell by her voice that they were what she said they were. At least to her and that was all that mattered. Somehow, someone or something comforted her grieving soul. She was never one to sensationalize or lie, either, not about something like this.

She always told me she would come back and tell me what she could once she had passed on, but I have never gotten any word from her that I could say was, definitively, communication, though I have felt her presence, my dad and I always figure we just knew her so well, that our dreaming minds conjure her up easily for our own comfort and needs. Maybe she's still waiting for the right time? Or maybe she can't find her way back. Or maybe it's all bull pucky as she would say, but I still enjoy these stories and thinking of them.

Liz M.
I had what some call a lucid dream shortly after my mother passed away. We had talked about this on many occasions long before she got sick that whoever died first would let the other one know they were OK.

My "dream" which was more real than being awake was that my mom came to me as a much younger person. She looked much like a person of the 1940's era. She told me you get to choose to be and look the age you liked the best if you wanted and that many things are not much different after death. You still have trials and tribulations like when you were alive and that we were not mother and daughter anymore as in death we become part of the whole and no relationship is more important than any other--they are all just as important. It didn't seem like a sad thing that we were not exclusive, as we'd been in life, anymore. She also said she would tell and show me things, however, she said what I would see I would not be able to take back with me as a memory but that I would always know on some level what she'd shown me. She was right and I still carry this feeling all these years later. It has given me a much different perspective on the afterlife than I ever had before. Before I only had conceptualizations of what it was about but know it's more like real knowlege instead of theory.

I've had other dreams after major losses of family and friends but this one was very strikingly different in it's intensity, reality and its sheer oddity. One of my friends told me something similar out of the blue a few years ago without ever having heard about my dream but hers involved her father telling her many of the same kinds of things. Believe it or not I've actually had people get quite angry, maybe a better word would be dissapointed, because it doesn't agree with what they want to believe about what happens after physical death.
With me it's not so much dreams as it is events that can't be explained away so I don't even try, I just accept them and the peace they bring me. The main one:

In 99 my FIL passed away completely unexpectedly, it was just another day on the farm, hubby out on the tractor and I was in the house, youngest BIL called and dropped the bomb on me, life was on autopilot for a while after that, hubby went to be with his family for the week and I stayed alone to run the farm. For weeks after that things were so unsettled, life so unsure for us.

About 4 weeks before this hubby had lost his wedding ring at a show, we KNOW it was lost there, I'd seen it on his finger just before going into the ring and noticed it was loose, we searched forever and never found it.

About 6 months after FIL's death I was feeding the horses out back of the barn, thinking about family and feeling very unsettled about everything. I KNOW where I'd been, I KNOW the ring was not out there, after just standing and thinking a few minutes I turned to go into the barn, the ring was right there on top of the ground, clean, shining and looking new. Dad put it there for me to let me know that everything is ok and that he DOES approve of our marriage, that all would be well.

There have been many other small things, I don't question them and appreciate them and take a moment to reflect when they happen.

[SIZE=14pt]I have had some different things. Some have been vivid dreams where my grandmother was sitting on my bed talking to me. That has usually occured when I was worried about something or extremely depressed.... I was closer to her than to my mother and it was devastating for me when she died. She died on my daughter Katies birthday. A few times it seemed like I felt her presence and it was very comforting durring waking hours too. My grandmother was a tiny lady, 4'10" 80 pounds soaking wet with a rock in her pocket. Very funny with a thick accent(I am first generation american) She seemed to have intuitive powers when she was alive. She told me about things that would happen or not happen... Very spiritual, God fearing lady. When my niece was baptized I felt her there and tried really hard to see her but I couldnt. I was in tears feeling so near to her but not being able to "hang ontp" her.[/SIZE]

More recently when a good friend had been taken off life support, that night around midnight I was still awake in spite of taking a pill to sleep, I felt agitated in a way.... couldnt get Gregg off my mind.... I was praying for God to give him the strength to leg go... I felt like I had to say out loud, "its ok to go Gregg just let go" I felt like after that he was standing in the doorway to my room but I was so afraid that if I opened my eyes I would see him and that freaked me out. THe next morning I got the call that he was pronounced dead at 12:20. The last time I looked at the clock was after I had that impression of him it was 12:25.

Another feeling or impression I have had was of people I dont even know. Confederate soldiers.... Our house is built on battle grounds outside of Richmond. We have earthworks still there, little hills where the soldiers would get behind to defend Richmond. I have "felt" like they were still there.... one night when feeding I didnt see anything but I "felt" like I had to say" THe war is over go home". It was very unsettling. My daughter has said she used to see things that reminded her of soldiers in cowboy hats... she was like 10 then. I have hear whispering that I cant make out.... my son made me a book on tape, when he recorded it he heard nothing.....when we play it back you can hear the whispering on the tape but no matter how lound you turn it you cant make it out. I hear it more in one room of our house than the others. The guest room where I would sleep when Barry snored too much. Im too creeped out now to relax in there . I dont know why. OUr house isnt old... only 10 years . we are only the second owners and we knew the previous ones....

All these things that I cant explain. dont jive with my religious upbringing.... Never believed in ghosts and cant find biblical substantiation for their existance.... I dont know.... just curious as to what others have experienced.

I call those dreams..." visitation dreams" because that's what they are. And the word VIVID is exactly right. They are clear and to the point. And when you get them, you remember them very clearly and in detail. They are also very positive and full of love and reassurance.

Dreams are the most common way for loved ones to communicate to us because they won't be so apt to freak us out.

Lyn, I suspect that both you and your daughter are very intuitive. You pick up things that other people may not. By telling those "whispering" Spirits to "Go Home" was actually a good thing to do. Have you ever researched the area that your house sits on? It could have been a historical site.

[SIZE=14pt]MA, our old house, the one before this one sat right on the earthworks of the Battle of Richmond. This house is on the outskirts of the Battlefield park. There used to be a fort down the road. Now there is a park with an education center .... we have visited it often. Barry likes to take his metal detector in our woods and he has found, metals, bullets, buckles , old medicine bottles things like that. There is alot of history here. Im not so sure I want the responsibility of this "intuition" I dont really know what to make of it or how to handle it. Sometimes my dogs and horses react to things that no one sees or hears..... Those are the times when I get creeped out the most. I dont believe that we can be harmed by any of this .... I just wish I could make sense of it that my family doesnt think is crazy. Katie is the only other person here that heard the whispers. She described it as thinking we had the tv on in our bedroom at the other end of the hall. In fact thats what she thought for years till she realized that wasnt the case. She prefers not to talk about it. It hasnt happened since she got married and left the house.[/SIZE]

At our other house, there was a small family plot a few houses away in the woods adjacent to our property. There was a family of children burried there . Different ages from infants to maybe 12 or 13. My kids were always too afraid to go there. I found the markers very intersting and was drawn there.No one in my church has ever talked about ADCs.... Thats why I feel weird that these things happen to me. Does that make me less of a christian? Some would say yes, that believers in Christ and the Bible dont or shouldnt have these thoughts and experiences and thats what I struggle with in my mind.


No, you are not any less a Christian. God knows what is in your heart and that's what is important.

There are several different episodes of Spirit coming back and showing themselves in the Bible. But

unfortunately the fear of the unknown clouds people's thinking and has caused the Mainstream Churches and

Religions to shy away from the subject. Remember, Jesus Himself came back! And He also said that

everything he could do - we could also do with faith.

I consider having intuition or a psychic ability as a gift from God. It is very much like having a natural ability

from birth to play an instrument well or be artistic. If a person uses their ability to do GOOD, then it is from

God. And, this may sound harsh, but if a person denies a gift they have been given from God then they are

the ones doing wrong.

Just my take......

[SIZE=14pt]Thanks MA.... I needed that.[/SIZE]

These experiences that you all have shared are awesome. Very interesting thread. I had a girlfriend for many was a group of us that used to hang out together riding our horses in competitions, shows and getting together behind the scenes. Gail was a chainsmoker....tried to quit many times but always went back. I remember after a while many times I would end up driving my own vehicle to meet our friends at the spot we were to gather because I could not handle being in a vehicle with all that smoke. Well, after the years went by we kept in touch. She was not an easy person to get along with according to some people but her and I always had this bond. She would tell me like she saw it and it never bothered was her opinion.

A couple of years ago her and her hubby found the farm of her dreams in PA. They moved onto this beautiful 100 acre farm. She with her beautiful Dressage horses, and boarders...starting her own training stables and her hubby with his steers and sheep that he always wanted to raise.....this was the month of August. In December I found out that she was diagnosed with cancer. Just a few short months after they moved. I called to talk to her over the phone and altho it was hard for her to talk, we held a conversation thru her coughing and me waiting till she caught her breath and was able to resume again.

We made plans to go visit see her new farm, to spend time with them as it had been a while since we had gotten together, and I remember just as I got off the phone she told me..."Don't wait too long"....I said I would'nt. She also told me "Do everything you want to do NOW...don't ever wait and put it off because you never know what the future holds". We said our goodbyes. A few months later I had a dream. In my dream I was visiting her farm....when I got to the house, her husband came and met me at the front door, and told me that Gail had just passed away. I turned around and looked across their beautiful field and started walking down a line of fruit trees that were probably peach the end of the tree line was a box that a figure was sitting on. As I got close to this box, I realized it was Gail. I came up to her and she had a calm smile on her face. I did'nt say anything to her but looked at her as if talking in my mind to her......and without hesitation she said to me "I'm's ok.....I'm in a good place". I remember the springlike setting in my dream, the calm of the atmosphere and the sun shining hazily yet warm. Just a couple and maybe three weeks later I found out that she had passed those same days that I had this dream.

I still cry when I remember the dream, and the fact that I did'nt say good bye to her in person before she left us. I remember her words on the phone and in the dream. I believe she came to me in my dream to tell me goodbye. I miss her.
I still cry when I remember the dream, and the fact that I did'nt say good bye to her in person before she left us. I remember her words on the phone and in the dream. I believe she came to me in my dream to tell me goodbye. I miss her.
Awww Sterling.... That was beautiful..... painful, but beautiful. And yes, I agree that she was saying good bye.


I have not had any experiences personally -- but people close to me have.

1) My grandmother lived into her 90's -- her husband (my grandfather) died in his 60's -- she told me that she would dream of him after his death -- and that she would be dreaming of him and wake up feeling him hugging her close to him -- and would know he still loved her and watched over her.

2) My husband grew up in a haunted house - the ghost was a friendly one - and particularily liked him. She (he told me it was a she) would turn off the light in his bedroom for him -- and turn it on at his request. He has told me many different stories about this ghost.

3) Some close friends of mine, in the Atlanta GA area, lived in a haunted house -- one night my friend was sitting on her front porch swing -- all alone in the house -- and something flipped her over backwards in the swing - she was dumped out - and no one was around. She feels that the ghost was being playful - not hurtfull in that situation. Her children had several imaginary friends there -- and she would feel a presence in a particular doorway in the interior of the house.

Did you see the Robin Williams Movie - What Dreams May Come? - or read the book?

[SIZE=14pt]No Judy, I didnt know of that movie..... How did your husband know this ghost was a she?[/SIZE]

How did he know the ghost was a she?

I don't recall the answer -- but I will have him logon here and post in my name (signed by him) for him to tell you himself -- maybe he will tell you more about it.

The Robin Williams movie is about life after death -- (based on a book) -- It is very interesting conceptually. The book was excellent too.

OK I am home now and might have enough time to respond :bgrin

Before I was 5 years of age I had died once (drowned in a pool) and had two near deaths...1st as an infant being thrown from a car while in my fathers lap we all walked away :new_shocked: and when I had scarlet fever with 107 degree fever that would not come down......

From childhood I had a man that would stand in the doorway of any bedroom I slept in with the door open....this went on until I was 18 and took place in probably 15 different homes all over western washington...when I was 18 I went out on my own and always slept with the door closed......I do not know who he is or why he stood in my doorway but he freaked me out.

I remember asking my grandmother (who had alot of "6th sense" she did call it hogwash but it was there) why I always woke up at 4:26 AM ...her answer was it is the dying time.....well scientifically it is a time of day very common to death...I still wake up maybe 5 out of 7 nights at exactly 4:26........

I am very empathic but try to avoid it.....when my great aunt died I woke up and knew it was 2:30 am sister called me at like 8 am and I said aunty died at family is accustomed to this type of response ..........

sadly I fight my abilities/sensitivities mostly because if I open the door I cannot control it and well I become a whole lot less sane
: so I have walls built to protect myself.........

I will say that my dreams that are what I consider normal would send many people screaming into the night.........I have always had vivid dreams ...usually I wake up dazed remembering the dreams but they rarely have anyone or anything that I know on a real level........I have recurring dreams and continuing dreams all the time..... I also have dreams that later become dejavu (premonitions who knows) some religions maybe I am possessed.......I don't think so....... what I know of the bible there were actually a number of prophets who had these types of experiences...there are also monks etc...through the ages who have had visitations/premonitions etc...and were not possessed or crazy.......

I believe this ability is latent and if encouraged remains and if discouraged will disappear but it is still there in almost every being.......

The unknown is a scary thing....most people prefer to see, feel, etc....with some real explanation and when explanation isn't forthcoming they balk..............I believe there is far more unknown than known out there......why do I wake up at the same time night after night year after year.....I really do not know...I accept that there are things in this "world/plane/life" that I am not meant to know......after all religion truly is a blind faith in the unknown if you break it down.....there is no proof any of it exists or happened
I have always believed in communication with those who have passed away I have had a few experiences but the most startling that is still going on is my "dime" story. About a year ago when we began what has seemed like a long line of bad luck, I started noticing dimes showing up in odd places and always alone not with other coins I really began to keep track and it was a regular occurence They were more frequent when things were worse or I was stressed. Lately with Rick,s cancer and our worries about my stepmonster selling the farm they are coming a lot I do believe it is my grandmother and my step dad my guardian angels telling me that it will be OK & they are watching over us When things seem the worse there is a bright glimmer For example we thought Rick's cancer had spread to his lungs but they decided after more tests that it is sarcoidosis in his lungs, not spread of the cancer Some of the places they have shown up are- on my counter when there was nothing there a few minutes ago, on the washer rim, on the floor in my car- on my mom's rug on my son's table when we were all together and it had just been cleaned, on my floor at work, on a picture frame etc etc the list goes on I am not spooked by it - only comforted at first everyone thought I was imagining but now they also believe after seeing it!
And the word VIVID is exactly right. They are clear and to the point. And when you get them, you remember them very clearly and in detail. They are also very positive and full of love and reassurance.
This is so true! After my grandmother passed away, I had really been missing her. We were stationed overseas for two years, my husband was in the Navy, and as soon as I got home my Grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. She passed too soon after I got home and I really felt cheated out of my time with her. About a year later, I had a very vivid dream like you describe. It was nothing special, just an ordinary moment in time, but I felt so much peace after. Like I had really spent that time with her. We were standing in the doorway of a women's restroom waiting for our turn in line and had a normal conversation. I can still see and describe the clothes she was wearing, and she looked just like she did before she was so sick. Vistiation? I don't know, but I do wish I could dream like that again with her and my Daddy.

Here is what my husband wrote:

my cousins said the one at my grandmas was a woman, they said she used to play in the foyer with them (JJ added: this is the ghost that would turn the lights on and off for him)
my ex step-dads house in louisville definitely had a female ghost, was his late wife, and she was a witch at times, but i got along with her ok. she kept her hairpins in an old metal sucrets container, we used to hear her ratteling around in it all the time, like she was doing her hair up. i did see her once when we were moving out of the house, she was standing in the hallway blocking the movers from taking out furniture, VERY FUNNY, scared the movers away, got my moms best friend shirley (that was a hoot watching her go thru her hysteric's) i did see her, she was just a fog at the end of the hall by the front door, i could just barely make out her facial features and for some odd reason she sorta smiled at me and i was'nt scared of her, go figure.

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