Llama owners....

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Ive always thought llamas were neat, and always wanted to pet them, see one close up, maybe one day own one but Ive never met one that wasnt peeved at something - Are they ever actually nice and friendly?
There cute but I swear every one of them has some real people problems, Ive only met a handfull of them but still, they were all loud, mean, and they spit!

Llamas have to LEARN to spit at PEOPLE. They won't do it naturally. They may spit at another llama with a person in the firing range, though!

Your best bet for finding a friendly llama is to locate a SMALL breeder who handles their llamas -- especially the crias a lot. We only have one adult pair who have produced one baby per year. And because we've treated the cria like one of our mini foals, they are very friendly. We always have a line of people interested in our llama babies because of that. (We are keeping this year's, though. We have fallen too much in love with her!)

Ahh the good old "llamas spit" line...I helped breed llamas for about six years...at a minimum there was 20llamas on the farm...sometimes up to 30. There were females, geldings, crias, young ones of all ages, and three studs. I've met many, many, many llamas and alpacas. Easily over 500 of them. Of all that...I have only been spat at ONCE...and it was MY fault because I got in the middle of a feeding frenzing with the females (about ten of them) and they were hungry and angry with eachother and I got in the middle of it.

I've never had any problems with any llamas or alpacas...those with problems adventually come around with time and trust. Which really is easily accomplished if you're not acting crazy around them. They're by far one of my fav. animals...they're so amazing.

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