Lost One Of My Best Friends Today

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
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Fruitvale B.C. (Canada)
I am horribly saddened today at the loss of one of my best friends in the whole world. My arabian mare Tardee passed away suddenly this afternoon. She had been running around the field calling for April (her dam) who was out in the other field being ridden by my daughter. She has run around and gotten worked up before, and there were not any problems.

I think she may have had a stroke or heart attack. It all happened so suddenly that it is hard to gauge what it could have been. I stayed with her until she passed her last breath. I am in utter shock and disbelief, and the sadness I feel is terrible. My vet who wasn't available couldn't have made it in time. I will be forever wondering what happed to my beautiful girl :no: .

I can't say much more right now. I need to go be with her and grieve until she is taken away to her final resting place. :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: .

My Girl Tardee:



I am so sorry for your lose
My heart aches for you
I am sure she is very happy right now, Hugs to you, I am sure she lived a happy life, Remember, She will always be with you in your heart, I am very sorry
I am so sorry to read this.

I know just how you're feeling, as I had a "first" sudden loss like that this last Spring. I wish for you peace as you grieve your loss.

She is beautiful....

Liz M.
: I am so sorry to hear of your loss!

It is such a shock when a dear friend passes suddenly, at least she wasn't sick and you had to make the choice :no:

Hope you are feeling better soon...
Oh my gosh what a terrible shock for you. I couldn't even imagine..........

Tardee was a lovely friend and so well loved. My condolences.
I am so sorry for your loss. :no: This can be so hard. I know as we lost our once in a lifetime soul mate dog that way. My husband had taken him for a ride on the snowmobile and Bear got off to run behind. Duane looked back and there he laid dead in the track. Heart attack more than likely. Happened so fast. Just remember your horse couldn't have had a better life than what you gave her.
: Thinking of you. ((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))
[SIZE=12pt]I am so very sorry for your loss, How shocking. I have only seen one horse have a heart attack, it was quick, and so very sad. A girl was running him on barrels he was in his 20's, and he came off the last barrel running, and at the finish line fell over on his side and on her, he pulled enough strength to lift himself up on his side so she could get out from under him, and then he went back down, and passed right there in the arena.......the shock was something........I cried my eyes out, so I know how hard it must be for you to lose your loved one that fast before your eyes. May she rest in peace.
I'm sending you my sympathy in your loss of such a lovely special friend.........and sending you blessings that, although it's a shock, it was quick. I hope you are realizing that when things happen that sudden, there's nothing YOU or a VET can do.........

I am so very sorry for your loss. She was a lovely mare and I'm certain you are heartbroken. Please know we pray for Peace for you both.
:no: I'm so sorry for your loss. Please know that we all truly care and understand. I'm sure most of us have lost a dear friend. It just leaves such an empty place in our hearts and lives. May God bring comfort to your heart as you reflect on the memories the two of you have made together.

God bless,

I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how bereft and shocked you must be feeling after something like that. We never expect to lose them anyway, but to have it happen so suddenly and completely out of your control is so unusual these days that I don't think any of us can even imagine it except as direst nightmare until it happens. I have literally had nightmares about it. My thoughts are with you in your grief, please know many of us are holding you and your family in our prayers tonight.

You have our sympathy and condolances. We've been there and no matter how they go the pain is overwhelming. So sorry you lost your dear friend.
Thank you for the thoughts and condolences everyone. I am still in shock, and never thought so many tears could be shed over this. I am pretty much a wreck right now, but trying to think of the good times we had together. Tardee's dam April is starting to realize she's gone. I have never witnessed a horse cry until today. Her and I stood out in the field crying this morning after Tardee was removed.

I'm going to go back outside now to be with her. As they say, a parent should not outlive it's child, but this is the sad fact in this case. I just hope this trauma does not stress her to the point where---well--you know--I just can't say it. The thought of losing another one would break my heart completely.

Once again, thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.


I am so very sorry for your loss of Tardee. She looked like a wonderful loving mare and she also looked happy to have you in her life. (((hugs)))

April will definately morn in her own way. I have seen other horses that we owned that morned after the loss of one of their herdmates. But, I think you will be surprised on how quickly they do recover. April will handle this much better than us humans tend to do. I have seen it more than I ever wished to see it, and I know that you will take comfort in sharing with April. She will comfort you and you will learn much from her as well. And remember, animals seem to have an easier time accepting death than we do. I am sure that with your love that April will be fine.

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