Mammogram, ultrasound and MRI

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Good lord! What a day. I left this morning at 8am for what I thought was just going to be a routine mammogram. But then they said they wanted to do an ultrasound on one side, so did that. Then they decided they wanted to do an MRI and I agreed. O M G!
I've never had one and hope I NEVER have to again! Is it just me or what do others think of MRIs? I was in that freakin' thing, on my stomach with my "girls" hanging through these holes!
Sorry boys if you're reading.
I was in that position for 50 freakin minutes! And it's SO loud! Even with the headphone they put on me, it was so loud I couldn't even hear one snippet of the music. Never again!!

Hopefully it's all a false alarm, but good lord, that was NO fun!
I feel for you been there done that, I only hope you don't have to have a biopsy with one of your girls in that hole. It is very painful, hate it, had it done three times, but is better then the alternative. My mom had breast cancer and died, my oldest daughter aged 44 just finished chemo from breast cancer, I've been lucky only three of those God awful biopsys. I'm due for my mammogram and dreading it, its not the mamogram that I hate it's going to the gyn for the you know what to get the referral. Good luck on your results.
I'm sorry you've been through all that. And I certainly don't mean to minimize the biopsy as I had one on the left side at age 40 and its no picnic, but I can honestly say I would choose the biopsy over another MRI again. At least an MRI for breast issues.
I know what you mean about that MRI being so loud! I had a head MRI, sinus CT, and threw in a mammo since I was already at the imaging center. I'll take the CT and mammo any time over that MRI.

At least I got to lay down on my back.
Just had my third MRI but for knees. The one I had done Wednesday for was both knees and was on my back for 1 hr. Not fun and yes those things are extremely loud.

I have had brest cancer twice and have been through the mammo, mastoctomy twice, chemo, radiation, the biopsy etch. I hope you have good results. I personally could not have layed on my stomach for that long--being flat on my back was bad enough.

You are in my thoughts and prayers for good results.
Ha! Guess I'm an oddball. I've had a couple MRI's on my knees and I find them relaxing. Since they give you pillows and blankets, I usually fall asleep with the vibrations and my MP3 player.
They are much better than the CT's and other tests I've had over the years.

Hope everything comes out okay!
Knees aren't so bad, but have a nasty headache and picure your head and shoulders in that tube, and your head in a cage.
Knees aren't so bad, but have a nasty headache and picure your head and shoulders in that tube, and your head in a cage.
I'm thinking that's the difference. If your head is in there, which mine was, its deafening, claustrophobic, and hard to breath with very little fresh air. Plus I was on my stomach and couldn't move the entire time.
I had my first Mammogram at age 35. I swore I would never have another until they developed a test for men that pressed what ever stuck out on them between two ice cold metal plates. Well, they never developed that test (darn) and 20 years later the DR said since my grandmother did have breast cancer, I had to have another mammogram. Well, I had the test 2 weeks ago and got my letter back from the Dr. All Clear. It wasn't as bad at the first one. But, I still want that test for the guys.
Well, there seems to be some confusion as to why I've needed to have these extra test. Apparently there is a 6mm "something" that was found, but what it is is still up for debate. I'm going to by PCP on Monday for another physical exam of the area and then he will explain exactly what the possibilities are and what I should do next. For what it's worth, his nurse told me he said my "MRI was normal." So, not sure what it all means. Is it possible for a doctor to see something on a mammogram, also see something on an ultrasound and then have a "normal" MRI?

Hopefully Monday will bring some answers.
My aunt is going threw all of this right now,just had biopsy and is waiting on the results. She went in for the mri and left,claustrophobia kicked in,she just couldn't do it. Praying for you both.
Good thoughts going for all of you. I work in a corner office in the hospital...right under the MRI machine.
I so love trying to hear my callers through that thing all day!

I've had to have an MRI on my brain twice and one on my knees. Also, I've had a handful of CT scans. I was on my back for all of them. Can't imagine getting one while on my stomach.

Prayers for good results!
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Parmela, I'm bumping this up, worry, did everything go alright, are you Ok? Maybe you don't have all the results yet, but worried just the same. Was it just calcium build up? Let us know how it has gone. Thanks
Parmela, how are you doing?? Any results yet?
Thank you all for the positive thoughts. I've been to two more dr appts since I last posted and have one more today. Yesterday I was told "don't lose any more sleep over this." Hopefully, that is the case as I've lost A LOT of sleep so far.

It's approx 6mm and very close down toward my breast bone and not really in the main part of what is considered the breast tissue. My doctor was very firm in his assertion that based on the MRI results it is nothing to worry about. I will have a follow up in 6 months to make sure it hasn't changed drastically.

Thanks again for all the support.
Well if he is going to monitor you for six months it must not be too much to worry about, you'll worry anyway, but it must not be serious. Good luck!

Hubby had a mri last week it shows agrowth on his spine so he goes back next week for anothe with the dye. I cryed all afternoon yesterday, between Buckaroo and his results, I just was over done.

Hope everything works out for you, keep us posted.
That is good th hear Parmela. I had a friend when I lived in Vegas that had several lumpectomies and none were the "C"word. Some women just have fibrous or lumpy ****s. My friend had them out because she just didn't want the lumps there. They posed no threat. Best wishes.

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