My first video attempts

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Well, me, the technically challenged (big time) is trying to learn to make a video, LOL With the help of a long distance friend and another Forum member I am practicing trying to do a video. Have not mastered adding music yet. My friend Pat is pretty patient trying to explain to me, the village idiot, over the phone how to do some of this. I am surprized she is still talking to me, LOL

I either need a steadier hand or a tripod, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere, eh?

Look at that little guy go! So cute. I love his red legs in the front. The whole horse is spotted out very nicely.
Thank you guys!!! He is a really nicely marked little horse, and handsome too, LOL He had rolled and gotten dirty all on his back and around his middle. I bet he ran for about 15 minutes. That guy just does not wear out!! He was out there for over an hour and just kept going and going..... silly guy.

Hopefully now that I know how and where to put the video clips to make one, etc... I can work on getting better at it and getting better video instead of being all over the place sometimes.
Great job on the videos. He's a gorgeous guy. I got a video camera for Christmas last year & I still haven't tried it out. You give me hope.
LOL wrs, operating the camera, besides being shaky was not TOO bad- however you dont want them as tiny dots half a mile away, or too close. That's the hardest part. It was the part of figuring out the program to make an edited version that about killed me (and probably my friend Pat). She has sent me something so I can learn how to put music on it.... oh no, dont know if I will live through that, LOL
The video looks good to me!!! I cant edit them at all so what I shoot is what I have LOL! He is a handsome boy though!
Good job!
I have no clue how to edit videos...! Is that at Larkyn?
Yes, Jess. Thanks folks, I am kinda partial to him too. He is just funny- gets bored easily and he is the little boy who sits in the back of the class and dips the girls pigtails in the ink well, LOL

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