Near death experiences

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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I wonder sometimes about near death experiences.

I don't know for sure that I have had any, though I have had close calls. I think most of all I remember a warmth that was somewhat comforting and unexpected, but no bright light or visions, not even an out of body experience.

I have been related stories by people I know very well and trust, though, and one of them had an out of body experience, watching themselves be worked on by medical personnel til they experienced a terrible pain and were suddenly back inside themselves.

Another person was stabbed nearly to death while trying to stop a fight and he just says that what he knows (was "dead" for several minutes) doesn't scare him, but he's not eager to go back, either.

Either way, these people that have "been there and back" seem to have a calm and an extra sort of insight and confidence to them. I think the ones that are the most scared are those that don't really know what to expect.

Not sure, but I'm interested in what observations you have had either yourself or stories from people close to you.

Liz M.
Ok. So I can't go to bed quite yet. This thread caught my attention.
I have read a few books in the last year since my dad passed away and am reading one now on near death experiences. They are very interesting and I do see a pattern to what others have seen. Usually these experiences correlate with a traumatic event or injury. I will be very interested to see what others' experiences have been.
Either way, these people that have "been there and back" seem to have a calm and an extra sort of insight and confidence to them. I think the ones that are the most scared are those that don't really know what to expect.

Interesting topic Liz. I agree with your statement about those being afraid of death - I use to be one of those people. Not any longer. I have never had a near death experiance, but I totally believe that they happen.

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It's rediculous but I have a large amount of friends(I'm talking over ten people) that have been "dead" for a few minutes but then their hearts were able to get going again thanks to ER doctors. None of them seem more enlightened or anything of the sort. For most it put their lives more into perspective. Many of them are kinder now and realize that life isn't all flowers and rainbows.

One of my close friends got into a bit of trouble...I'll explain the story so he doesn't sound crazy. This "gang" basically kept threatening to kill him and his family for no reason. One day while out with his little brother they ended up jumping him and getting into an insanely huge fight. They were about to shoot my friend's little brother but my friend ended up disarming them and shooting one of the guys, who ended up dieing. The other members then stabbed my friends nearly to death. He didn't get charged at all because him killing the guy was considered defence. Although during his recovery and ever since then after that incident he's been quite a positive way. It's really hard to explain but I don't know he's more aware that life isn't always long. When goodbyes are said to people he's close to he's always ending on a positive note "bye I luv you" type of thing.
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Hm. Interesting. A friend and I were discussing it tonight, though, and he is one who was dead (flatline) for several minutes. He just seems to be very assured about things relating to life and death, and has a confidence (as opposed to a cockiness of invincibility) that the people I have known that have experienced this seem to also have. It's comforting to talk to them, and get a dose of that.

Wondered if it was coincidence or what.

I don't think I have that confidence or that ease of concern, even though I've been close a few times, myself, maybe not close enough.

My grandmother was with her husband when he passed. He was a very sick man, had been for years, but in the months preceding, was completely bedridden though he could get himself upright with the assistance of a bar hanging over his bed. When he was at the very end, she said he reached for the bar to lift himself or so it seemed. He could not quite reach it, but instead pointed at it and the bar began to swing of its own volition. She said he was looking at something completely beyond that, it looked like, and his expression was one of youthful relaxation, something she had forgotten in his face since it had been so wrought with pain and concern for years. Of course she can't say what he was seeing or experiencing, but she felt that he was seeing something or maybe someplace...someone? She was pretty scared after that due to the movement of the bar by itself, so she could not stay with him after he'd passed and had to leave the house to stay with her mother.

There was a time in my Mothers life when she was literally bleeding to death. She had an uncontrollable (in those days) hemorrhage (sp). For the rest of her life she swore that she saw her guardian angel standing beside her at one point. I never had any reason to question what she said she saw.

Many years ago I read a book about after death experiences. The similarities to the different people's experiences was amazing. I think the name of it was Life After Death.

Who are we to doubt what's possible?
I almost died while having surgary and then again while recovering but I have no memory of it, no bright light or anything but it still makes me feel lucky, deffinatly brings you down to earth!

On the other hand, my family's close friends had a grandmother who was dieing and a few months before she died she had a vision of her sister at her bedside, telling her everything was going to be ok and that she would see her soon. Deffinatly something powerful.

I've met people online who've experience it and you are right..... they are very relaxed and assured, just as you described. I've also read books by Damon Brinkley who has had more than one NDE and it left him with some sort of psychic ability..... You might want to check him out. He apparently was a bit of a thug before his experience and then changed his life around. Now he spends a lot of time volunteering for Hospice.

And when people think they have seen "signs" from the Other Side, they are often called ADC's (After Death Communication)....which is another topic to get into.

Well, one person I know who had communication with people or presences beyond life was my grandmother, I think I related some of her stories, here, before.

Also, it's funny you mention this, I think this person changed somewhat, too, as far as their general attitude and behavior, but most of all, I notice this calm and grandma had it, too.

It's a nice trait in these people.

Thanks, everyone, for sharing your thoughts, either way.

It is strange to me that I was thinking so much about this just a few hours before we got that call.

Liz M.

Considering what you and your family may well be going through now or soon...... If you have any questions about ADC's please PM me or e-mail. I've never had a near death experience, but I know something about After Death know of a great book to recommend.


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