Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I just joined here and hope someone can point me in the right direction. I had a friend of mine tell me about some minis her neighbor had and said he was looking to get rid of a couple. Due to his ignorance the one he wants to get rid of is in pretty bad shape. I went to look at this poor mare Saturday and what I saw broke my heart. She is currently nursing a 4 month old foal and it has become quite a drain on her. She is really underweight. You can see every rib, and her hip bones and backbone are sticking out. She is so small, and if she's over 28" I'd be suprised. Now worse that her weight was her feet. The owner says she has foundered and since he can't fix he pretty well has left them as they are. You could see where her hooves had grown so long and he had hacked the long toe off. What she had left barely resembled a hoof. It just made me what to cry. I don't know if left in this condition she would make it though the winter. He decided he wanted $25 for her and even though in her condition I think he's crazy I'm willing to pay it to get her out of there. Now I'm looking for help on how to get her back into decent shape. She will be nothing more than a pet but I want her to be healthy and comfortable. She will need to see a vet for a coggins and I doubt she has had any vaccinations. Should I have them vaccinate her now or wait? Should he take X-rays of her feet to decide the best course of action? What questions should I ask my farrier to make sure he knows what he's doing to fix her feet? Will getting the baby off her and a good worming be enough to get weight on or should I feed her something special? I hope I haven't driven you all nuts with my questions. Any answers would be greatly appreciated or any other info would be great. I have a full sized horse so I'm not ignorant to horse care, but anything specific towards minis I should be aware of? I really hope someone can help me.