Obama -- A Socialist For Some Time

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
[SIZE=12pt]Listen for yourselves, folks:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered[/SIZE] (<--- YouTube Link)

(hang on to your wallets...)
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2001 Obama's redistribution of wealth - was not a slip of the tongue after all was it?

Here's a bit of the audio for those that are in a hurry. He's referencing previously dispossed peoples.

"The tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change and in some ways we still suffer from that."

There ya go folks ! There is your CHANGE that Obama is promising you. Doesn't matter whether your no good, lazy, drug addicted bum neighbor earned it or not. Obama is going to take your hard earned income and share it with those that WILL NOT WORK............... Yes it is only four years but during that time things will be put in place that WILL NOT OR CANNOT BE UNDONE even after he leaves office.

[SIZE=12pt]Redistribution of our hard earned money is what Obama is calling [/SIZE]Economic justice in this society

[SIZE=12pt]Rather an imperfect republican than a perfect socialist[/SIZE]!
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What is socialism? Here's an easy analogy someone let me borrow from another MB.

"Then let's state things clearly.

Socialism is when the government controls all the means of production. That is, when all industry is state run.

In a variation of socialism, the means of production can be privately operated, but all products and profits are state controlled.

Taxation is not socialism. If you own a flower shop, and the government comes to your flower shop and picks up all of your flower arrangements and distributes them throughout society as the government sees fit, that would be socialism. If you sell those flower arrangements yourself, and the government comes around and collects the ENTIRETY of your profits and distributes them throughout society as the government sees fit, that would be socialism. If you and all your co-workers were government employees working at a state run flower shop, arranging flowers and distributing them as the government sees fit, that would be socialism.

Selling flowers and then paying proportional taxes on the profits made by selling those flowers is not socialism.

If you believe that income tax is a dangerous step towards the total appropriation of revenue by the government, then John McCain is a socialist. Reagan was a socialist. Almost every president since the civil war was a socialist. Ironically, if you equate the level of income tax with the degree of socialism, the US becomes a hole of socialism and Russia is a socialism-free paradise. "
Oddly enough, when I hear that line Appy, I think about things like:

The fact we needed a movement to give people equal rights in the first place

The assassination of MLK

Protesters being taken down with fire hoses, gas, and dogs

Reading what Obama's said, he sounds like he wants to make the economic playing field a little more level, too, and lessen the gap between rich and poor, which I'm in support of.

Where you're coming up with than Animal Farm-esque "some are more equal than others" thing, I don't know.
Rodney (son) and I were talking this morning and we absolutely can not figure out why we don't like Obama and why we are not Democrat. Of course we were laughing while we spoke of it. We are the poor ones. We should LOVE him. Go figure.
I think we are just thinking ahead for the coming years and how it is going to affect America if everything is Democrat. Won't be good. We need to keep our checks and balances.
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The fact we needed a movement to give people equal rights in the first place
The fact remains that whether you liked it or not (although you didn't experience it) it WAS needed.

As far as the rest of your comment is concerned it should be obvious by now that I couldn't possibly care less about your opinion of me, my concerns or my beliefs. At one point you made a rather snide point about studying history....IMO it's a shame you missed the classes when they attempted to teach tolerance and respect for others even when their opinion isn't the same as yours. Quite honestly I'd appreciate it if you'd quit zeroing in on my posts and attempting to make an issue of anything I say. It's gotten quite tiresome.
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