Obama taxcut??

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Nov 30, 2002
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Ryan Ellis of Americans for Tax Reform points out that Obama's tax plan would impose a huge tax increase on small business:

According to the latest Internal Revenue Service data, $706 billion of pass-through business income was reported in 2006. Of this, two-thirds was earned in households making more than $250,000 -- households on which Obama has said he will raise taxes.

If raising the tax rate on two-thirds of small-business income isn't a tax hike on small business, what is?

The tax rate on two-thirds of small-business income would skyrocket under the Obama plan. The current tax rate on this income is 37.9 percent. The Obama plan, thanks to uncapping the Social Security tax base, would shoot this small-business rate all the way up to a Carter-level 54.9 percent. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...081202849.html)

You can't help the middle class and the poor by hurting the very people who employ the middle class and the poor. Corporations and small businesses employ the vast majority of the middle class and the poor. You can't help the latter by imposing a gigantic tax increase on the former.

We shouldn't be raising anyone's taxes. It's not that we're undertaxed, it's that the government is spending far too much money.
If taxes get too high on business owners -- businesses close, relocate, fire employees... It doesn't take a lot of forwrd thinking to realize the consequences. Nor to know that the social programs, that democrats love to have and to expand, suck up a vast amount of tax dollars.

Here's a simple video that someone else shared here and I think ties right in with this thread:

[SIZE=24pt]Economics 101[/SIZE]
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"Provide Zero Capital Gains and Other Tax Relief for Small Businesses and Start Ups: Barack Obama

believes that we need to reduce burdens on small business owners, many of whom are struggling to succeed as

health care and energy costs continue to skyrocket. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will eliminate all capital

gains taxes on small and start-up businesses to encourage innovation and job creation. Obama and Biden will

support small business owners by providing a $500 “Making Work Pay” tax credit to almost every worker in

America. Self-employed small business owners pay both the employee and the employer side of the payroll

tax, and this measure will reduce the burdens of this double taxation."

Obama's got a long list of things he plans to do to help small businesses specifically.

LowRiseMinis, I think from now until your elections you will have republicans continuing to try and discredit Obama no matter what. Not only are they dscrediting him for his policies, which is fine, as long as they keep to the truth, but some are discrediting him because they think he has terrorist ties, or is not "American apple pie". I think the pit bull analogy isn't just for Palin, seems many republicans in here follow her, when they bite into something they just don't let go, even things that are not truthful.
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Danielle, at very least the last I checked Obama still had a lead in the polls. I think now that Palin's venturing out on her own that pitbull-like tenacity is turning into weight McCain has to drag along...it's slowing him down.
It makes me laugh....

Every time I come on here there are new threads like,,, "Obama farted last tuesday, here is video." Makes me laugh... Can't wait until the elections are over and I sure hope Obama wins...!!!!! Oh and my brothers, sister, Mother's uncle and third removed cousin and all are voting for Obama! YAY!
It makes me laugh....
Every time I come on here there are new threads like,,, "Obama farted last tuesday, here is video." Makes me laugh... Can't wait until the elections are over and I sure hope Obama wins...!!!!! Oh and my brothers, sister, Mother's uncle and third removed cousin and all are voting for Obama! YAY!
No what you forgot is Obama Farted on Tuesday then the same 4 or 5 people that spend all day and night starting and posting on these threads will come on and say well now McCain he never farts. If you say he does I will post link after link about how Obama and Biden and even their childhood friends fart. How could we have a president who farts. If McCain is our President he will never ever fart!

Sigh it really is getting to the point of ridiculous although guess when the day gets slow it can be good entertainment. I can only hope some of these people have no intention of international sales after being so rude to those in other countries.
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Lowrise -- I see you've cut and pasted something again. Regarding the proported capital gain tax relief for small businesses, do you have an idea what is likely to generate a capital gain in a small business?

There's a big difference in what sounds good at first glance, and what IS actually good when you know the score.
Obama's plans sound good to me. You could follow the link and read over his plan for yourself, and tell me any issues that you as a small business owner have with it.

If you can't follow the link, here's the whole thing.


There are approximately 25.8 million businesses in the United States and over 99 percent of all employers are

small businesses, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will help

small businesses by cutting health care costs, improving access to capital and investing in innovation and


Lower Health Care Costs with a New Small Business Health Tax Credit: Barack Obama and Joe Biden

understand that the skyrocketing cost of healthcare poses a serious competitive threat to America’s small

businesses. Small businesses are the drivers of job growth in our economy, creating, on average, more than two-

thirds of net new jobs each year. Yet small business owners face unique challenges in providing health care to

their employees, including higher administrative costs, lower bargaining power, greater price volatility and

fewer pooling options. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will reduce the burden on small businesses in our

economy by offering a new Small Business Health Tax Credit to help small businesses provide quality health

care to their employees. The Obama Small Business Health Tax Credit will provide a refundable credit of up to

50 percent on premiums paid by small businesses on behalf of their employees.

Obama’s Small Business Health Tax Credit will work alongside other aspects of his health care plan to lower

costs and improve competitiveness for America’s small businesses, including:

• Access to a Low-cost National Health Exchange: The Obama health care plan will provide small

businesses with new opportunities to buy low-cost, high quality health plans for their employees through

a national exchange similar that will allow small businesses to get the same benefits of spreading risk

and administrative costs over a large pool that larger businesses currently enjoy.

• Reduced Volatility and Lower Costs by Reimbursing Catastrophic Costs: The Obama plan will

reimburse employer health plans for a portion of the catastrophic costs they incur above a threshold if

they guarantee such savings are used to reduce the cost of workers’ premiums. This reimbursement

(often called reinsurance) is particularly important for small business plans, which can be overwhelmed

by the costs of catastrophic expenditures for even a single employee.

• Investment in Cost Reduction and Quality Improvement Strategies: The Obama plan will

aggressively lower health costs by facilitating broad adoption of standards-based electronic health

information systems, and other value-increasing innovations improving chronic care management, and

increasing insurance market competition.

Provide Zero Capital Gains and Other Tax Relief for Small Businesses and Start Ups: Barack Obama

believes that we need to reduce burdens on small business owners, many of whom are struggling to succeed as

health care and energy costs continue to skyrocket. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will eliminate all capital

gains taxes on small and start-up businesses to encourage innovation and job creation. Obama and Biden will

support small business owners by providing a $500 “Making Work Pay” tax credit to almost every worker in

America. Self-employed small business owners pay both the employee and the employer side of the payroll

tax, and this measure will reduce the burdens of this double taxation.

Page 2

Expand Loan Programs for Small Businesses: Access to capital is a top concern among small business

owners. Barack Obama cosponsored the bipartisan Small Business Lending Reauthorization and Improvements

Act. This bill expands the Small Business Administration’s loan and micro-loan programs which provide start-

up and long-term financing that small firms cannot receive through normal channels. Obama and Biden will

work to help more entrepreneurs get loans, expand the network of lenders, and simplify the loan approval


Support Innovation and High-Tech Job Creation: Barack Obama believes we need to double federal

funding for basic research, diversify energy sources, expand the deployment of broadband technology, and

make the research and development tax credit permanent so that businesses can invest in innovation and create

high-paying, secure jobs.

Create a National Network of Public-Private Business Incubators: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will

support entrepreneurship and spur job growth by creating a national network of public-private business

incubators. Business incubators facilitate the critical work of entrepreneurs in creating start-up companies.

They offer help designing business plans, provide physical space, identify and address problems affecting all

small businesses within a given community, and give advice on a wide range of business practices, including

reducing overhead costs. Business incubators will engage the expertise and resources of local institutions of

higher education and successful private sector businesses to help ensure that small businesses have both a strong

plan and the resources for long-term success. Obama and Biden will invest $250 million per year to increase

the number and size of incubators in disadvantaged communities throughout the country.

Invest in Women-Owned Small Businesses: Women are majority owners of more than 28 percent of U.S.

businesses, but lead less than 4 percent of venture capital-backed firms. Women business owners are more

likely than white male business owners to have their loan applications denied. Barack Obama and Joe Biden

encourage investment in women-owned businesses, providing more support to women business owners and

reducing discrimination in lending. To create greater opportunities for women business owners who would like

to do business with the federal government, Obama and Biden will implement the Women Owned Business

contracting program that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, but has yet to be implemented by the

Bush Administration.

Increasing Minority Access to Capital: Access to venture capital is critically important to the development of

minority-owned businesses. Yet there has been a growing gap between the amounts of venture capital available

to minority-owned small businesses compared to other small businesses. Less than 1 percent of the $250 billion

in venture capital dollars invested annually nationwide has been directed to the country’s 4.4 million minority

business owners. And in recent years, there has been a significant decline in the share of Small Business

Investment Company financings that have gone to minority-owned and women-owned businesses. In order to

increase their size, capacity, and ability to do business with the federal government, and to compete in the open

market, minority firms need greater access to venture capital investment, as well as greater access to business

loans. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will strengthen Small Business Administration programs that provide

capital to minority-owned businesses, support outreach programs that help minority business owners apply for

loans, and work to encourage the growth and capacity of minority firms.

Promote Small Business Ownership in the Communications Industry: Barack Obama joined Senator John

Kerry (D-MA) in calling on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to immediately address the issues

of minority, women and small business media ownership before taking up a second review of wider media

ownership rules. Obama has continued that fight by urging the FCC to establish an independent panel on

minority and small business media ownership. As president, Obama will support efforts to achieve diverse

media ownership, particularly in an era of increased media concentration.

Page 3

Support Local Businesses Affected by Hurricane Katrina: In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Barack Obama

introduced the Hurricane Katrina Recovery Act to rebuild the Gulf Coast. This bill included language to

increase the government-wide goal for procurement contracts awarded to small businesses owned and

controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals for recovery and reconstruction activities

related to Hurricane Katrina. Obama also established a government-wide goal for procurement contracts

awarded to local businesses in Katrina-affected areas of 30 percent of that total value for 2006 and 2007.

Provide Emergency Relief: Barack Obama supported legislation to provide emergency relief to small

businesses affected by a significant increase in the price of heating oil, natural gas, propane, or kerosene. This

bill authorized the Small Business Administration to make disaster loans to assist small businesses that have

suffered or are likely to suffer substantial economic injury as the result of a significant increase in the price of

heating fuel.

Support Rural Small Businesses: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will support entrepreneurship and spur job

growth by establishing a small business and micro-enterprise initiative for rural America. The program will

provide training and technical assistance for rural small business, and provide a 20 percent tax credit on up to

$50,000 of investment in small owner-operated businesses. This initiative will put the full support of the

nation’s economic policies behind rural entrepreneurship.

Promote Digital Inclusion: The lack of affordable, high-speed Internet access in rural, urban, and minority

communities has created a digital divide between those who have access to the Internet and those who do not.

This severely limits the growth potential of many urban and rural companies. Approximately only one-third of

rural areas and half of urban areas have high-speed Internet at home or work. The areas affected by Hurricane

Katrina have particularly suffered due to a lack of IT infrastructure. Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe we

can get true broadband to every community in America through a combination of reform of the Universal

Service Fund, better use of the nation’s wireless spectrum, promotion of next-generation technologies, and new

tax and loan incentives. As a key step to achieving full broadband access, Obama believes the Federal

Communications Commission should provide an accurate map of broadband availability using a true definition

of broadband instead of the current 200 kbs standard and an assessment of obstacles to fuller broadband

Lowrise, I don't think you understand my point about what might generate a capital gain in a small business. I doubt I did either in my early 20's but I sure do now.

Also, I'm not planning to start reading any of the l-o-n-g CTRL+C / CTRL+V posts at this point. Arm length cut and paste posts? Forget it.
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Well, Jill, you sniped at me for posting a little cut-and-paste, and you don't seem to read any links I post, so I figured copying and pasting the whole text might work better for you.

You're right, I don't know much about small businesses. I was hoping since you seem to, you would read Obama's plan and tell me WHAT EXACTLY will not work for America's small businesses, in your opinion.

I do know several small business owners-family members included-who have told me in the most simple of terms "our stores are faltering because no one is buying". IMO, it seems like a 'ground up' solution would be best, instead of a 'trickle down' solution like McCain supports which has been proven not to work so great in the past.
Lowrise, I am on board with McCain, not Obama. Why would you think I am unaware of anything material so that I need to chase your links?

You could ask your business owner friends to tell you how a small business might expect to receive a capital gain... I'll give you a hint -- it involves selling (out of) something.
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...you make money by SELLING things? Wow! I had no idea.

Here I was thinking that there was some secret to this business thing I wasn't aware of.

What we have isn't a business, really, but it is a hobby, and one that if we're lucky mostly pays for itself. We breed and show rabbits. In the past we were able to cover a lot of our expenses with sales. Lately? Not so much.

Right now everyone's tightening their proverbial belts. People are having trouble buying groceries AND gas AND paying for insurance and and and...not many people are calling us to buy a pricey rabbit. In years past we've had waiting lists so long we couldn't keep up. This year, we've gotten a total of two requests. That's it.

Again, the friends and family I've spoken to have said the same-the ones with actual businesses. People just aren't buying in the same quantities they used to.
Lowrise -- speaking of a capital gain, you make a capital gain by selling something that has gone up in value -- like a family business maybe. It has nothing to do with selling things off the shelves, be that toilet paper, pretzels or rabbits.

You want to thump up something as a benefit to small businesses and bring up a break in the capital gains tax -- when you just do not even understand what it even is or how that comes into play in most businesses. You have a capital gain on your business venture when you are getting out of the business.

People can cut and paste all day long, but I'm more interested in listening to those who have actually gotten their minds around what they say they are behind. I feel like you and I are on such different pages that we're actually in different books.
It seems like capital gains tax also comes into play with the buying and selling of stocks and bonds. Do small businesses do that?
It seems like capital gains tax also comes into play with the buying and selling of stocks and bonds. Do small businesses do that?
No, not typically.

A small business is in business to do what they do -- provide a product or service to others and hopefully provide a profit to their owners.

Holding securities (i.e. stocks, bonds, etc.) is not at all a common activity of small businesses.

Investment Companies do this but they are NOT small businesses (these are mutual funds -- with a whole new set of tax rules and HUGE amounts of money).

(And now I am off to bed -- I will be leaving home to take care of my own small business around 6am tomorrow.)
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Let me see if I understand the role of this particular tax break, then.

Let's say you start a business, buy a shop, run it. In two year's time you've made some improvements to the building and the neighborhood it is in has improved, too. Your business is doing well, and you need to sell the building so you can purchase a larger shop. As such the value of your building jumped from the $300,000 you purchased it for up to $450,000, so when you sell it you would pay a 'capital gains tax' on the $150,000 increase in value from the time you bought to the time you sold? Is that correct?

If I'm reading right, under Obama's tax plan, you would NOT pay any 'capital gains tax' on that increase in value. Is that also correct?

I am NOT an economist, I just pay what the gov't says to pay.
It makes me laugh....
Every time I come on here there are new threads like,,, "Obama farted last tuesday, here is video." Makes me laugh... Can't wait until the elections are over and I sure hope Obama wins...!!!!! Oh and my brothers, sister, Mother's uncle and third removed cousin and all are voting for Obama! YAY!

What you wrote sure made me laugh
. You have a wonderful sense of humour. The analogy about Obama farting, ROFLMAOOOOOOOOO "Obama farts (gasp) news at 6, ROFL. I must be tired.
It makes me laugh....
Every time I come on here there are new threads like,,, "Obama farted last tuesday, here is video." Makes me laugh... Can't wait until the elections are over and I sure hope Obama wins...!!!!! Oh and my brothers, sister, Mother's uncle and third removed cousin and all are voting for Obama! YAY!
No what you forgot is Obama Farted on Tuesday then the same 4 or 5 people that spend all day and night starting and posting on these threads will come on and say well now McCain he never farts. If you say he does I will post link after link about how Obama and Biden and even their childhood friends fart. How could we have a president who farts. If McCain is our President he will never ever fart!

Sigh it really is getting to the point of ridiculous although guess when the day gets slow it can be good entertainment. I can only hope some of these people have no intention of international sales after being so rude to those in other countries.

ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOO I agree, this is the best entertainment of any comedy show I have ever been privy too and it will only get better I am sure
First off..all the topics have a clear title..and nobody has to read them..I am glad you guys having fun..I for One are very concerened about the future of this country and about the future of my kids..

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