Well-Known Member
ok,...Before I reveal my decision,.....i just want to apoligise again,....for all the whining I have done in the past about my life,.....
I realize that I have turned A LOT of you guys away :no: ,...and I honestly didnt mean too,....I guess I just needed someone to talk to soo very badly before that I almost seemed to drive you guys crazy with it.
Once again,...I do love you guys DEARLY
: ,..and dont want to lose any of you,.....I am VERY sorry,....can we PLEASE start over,....I promise I will try to be a better and happier person. Terri
OK,..now for my decision
,......I am NOT going to risk losing my money over this person,..soooooo,...
You know how things can just seem to fall inot your lap
: :aktion033: ,..unexpectly (sp?)
Well,...I am finally in the process of becoming a MINI - OWNER!!!!!!!!! :aktion033: :new_shocked: :bgrin :aktion033:
and this time it is really happening,....I am very EXCITED and will post more info and pics by the end of THIS weekend!!!!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYY!!!!!!! This time it is a sure thing,....just trust me on this one,...I am on top of the clouds right now
,.....and even more so once I know that things are ok with you guys!!!
I realize that I have turned A LOT of you guys away :no: ,...and I honestly didnt mean too,....I guess I just needed someone to talk to soo very badly before that I almost seemed to drive you guys crazy with it.
Once again,...I do love you guys DEARLY
OK,..now for my decision
You know how things can just seem to fall inot your lap
Well,...I am finally in the process of becoming a MINI - OWNER!!!!!!!!! :aktion033: :new_shocked: :bgrin :aktion033:
and this time it is really happening,....I am very EXCITED and will post more info and pics by the end of THIS weekend!!!!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYY!!!!!!! This time it is a sure thing,....just trust me on this one,...I am on top of the clouds right now