Our Spirit Kitty visited my husband last night.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I don't usually share personal things on here too much.......But a few weeks ago we had to have our "Sweetie Pie" euthanized. She was 13 years old and her kidneys had shut down. Sweetie's person was my husband, Larry. She was a lover, but Larry was her "number one".

During the night, I woke up tossing and turning. Larry was also awake and he looked over at me and said rather matter of factly, "Sweatie just visited me tonight." This startled me into full awareness and I replied, "WHAT?"

I have had countless ADC's over the years, both from family, friends, and pets........Larry has only shared in ONE many years ago....from his mother........We both received it. This was his very first that he can say was HIS.

He told me that he was zoning in bed and felt a cat jump up and walk up next to him. He assumed it was one of our "alive" cats until he felt a familiar "Sweetie Bump" against his face. He opened his eyes and for a moment he SAW her. She was young and healthy again. His response was, "Oh! Hello." And then she was gone.

I was so happy for him........Wish I knew what HER "heaven" is. I've had two of our horses share with me what THEIR place was........and the other side of the Rainbow Bridge was beautiful.
How wonderful is that?!
I had a pet rat for almost two years, her name was Nemo. We were EXTREMELY close! She had her own spot in the house, not too far from where I usually sit on our couch. Our cat Binx loved to go and look at her, and everytime she made a noise, he'd run over to her. Two days after Nemo passed away, I was sitting on the couch reading a book and Binx was sitting at my feet. All of a sudden, I swear I heard a familiar Nemo sneeze and just as I looked over in the direction she used to be, Binx jumped up and went running over to her spot looking for her. If it hadn't been for Binx, I'd swear I had a crazy moment. Lol.
I know some people think this topic is "off the top"......but if you really think about it, it's not. Many of us who are connected to animals have had something occur ...... giving some reassurance that our beloved fur-friend is okay.

KanoasDestiny shares a great experience. And yes, my other animals have told me that SOMETHING WAS UP, before I was aware........ I agree with other animal communicators who say that our dogs, cats, horses, etc....... are often more sensitive than we are. (They don't have parents or other adults telling them that what they are seeing or sensing is just their imagination!

Sixstardanes, I hope you will share.......
Cool! I had one of my past dogs visit me one night, very similar to Larry's experience. I had gone to bed by myself, hubby was at work. Ididn't have my Baylee yet so no dogs in the house. I had just dozed off when I felt a dog jump up on the bed with me. I knew it was Beau. I opened my eyes but he wasn't really there, just felt him. It was a neat feeling though. It's like he was just checking in letting me know he was OK.
I know some people think this topic is "off the top".
Yeah...me hahahhaha...boy what was he smoking hahahhaha. You know me - the eternal skeptic - but if it brought larry comfort, then that's super cool. Wierd...kinda scarey...but super cool

(just don't be sharing that stuff okay lol
OK, don't want to start anything, but if you don't agree with the way a person feels, please just don't read it. The 'topic' more or less told you what it would be about!! People who are rude keep others from sharing a WONDERFUL thing!

Miniv, I KNOW it happened, so happy for Larry!!

Don't worry......I know miniwhinny personally........no problems..........

I just know that there are folks who have had something happen to them after they've lost a Fur-Friend, and they shouldn't feel they are "weird".
OK, don't want to start anything, but if you don't agree with the way a person feels, please just don't read it. The 'topic' more or less told you what it would be about!! People who are rude keep others from sharing a WONDERFUL thing!Miniv, I KNOW it happened, so happy for Larry!!

if it had been posted by anyone else...I probably wouldn't have read it. But I know and care very much for both Larry and MA, have two of their horses and live 30 minutes down the road. Never said I don't agree with how they feel - in fact the opposite...I'm happy that whatever happened comforted Larry
OK, don't want to start anything, but if you don't agree with the way a person feels, please just don't read it. The 'topic' more or less told you what it would be about!! People who are rude keep others from sharing a WONDERFUL thing!Miniv, I KNOW it happened, so happy for Larry!!

if it had been posted by anyone else...I probably wouldn't have read it. But I know and care very much for both Larry and MA, have two of their horses and live 30 minutes down the road. Never said I don't agree with how they feel - in fact the opposite...I'm happy that whatever happened comforted Larry

Oh Sweet Lady........ You know we aren't NUTS (not totally, anyway) .........Larry is the "skeptic" and scientific one............ I'm the "weird" one .... the one who "talks to animals" LOL............But we balance each other out.

What is great for us is that we each learn from one another.
Oh Sweet Lady........ You know we aren't NUTS (not totally, anyway) .........Larry is the "skeptic" and scientific one............ I'm the "weird" one .... the one who "talks to animals" LOL............But we balance each other out.

What is great for us is that we each learn from one another.
That's how it should be kiddo we all need the balance we get from loved ones who are different from ourselves - makes life way more fun...and I'm not doubting what happened...there are many things out there hard to explain.
That is amazing and I know these things happen!!! When I lost my first cat / my first pet when I was 6 or 7, he came to me that night. I felt him patty paw the bed and curl up at the foot and I still remember it 30+ years later. I also am sure Winston came to me the night he passed away (at the vets). I woke up at 11pm and I just knew. Urgh... tears now. But I knew he'd come to tell me
(but I also know he is either "on the inside" of Watson or he's been seriously coaching that boy!)
I had a couple of visits from a dog of mine that passed on two years ago. He even found me after I moved!

There is a great book out by Jenny Smedley titled "Pets have souls too" on this very subject. I'm in the middle of reading it right now.

What a sweet story about "Sweety Pie"! Thanks for sharing that Miniv. When I was young (I kinda remember that) I use to keep such things to myself. Too many women do, I think.

Now, however, after having many ADCs in my life, I "share". I find it amazing that children accept this so easily. One of my grandchildren surprised me one time by saying, "afterall Gramma, when the body dies, the spirit is still alive, right?"

Barbara, I read that book also recently.....with a box of kleenex. Amazing stories!
We had a house fire a few years back. At the time I was on a pain med that I shouldnt have been able to wake from ( at least not short of a nuke LOL) I woke dead up and was able to put out the fire before it got bad. I know that someone woke me up. Just dont know if they had paws or hooves

That is beyond wonderfull to happen to Larry, and you. I had similar happen with my first Heeler, Boder. He came in my sleep and told me he was ok and that I would be too. I find great peace in that.
Just want to thank you for adding your own experiences.......It's nice to hear them from other animal lovers and to know we are not "alone" with our experiences......

Barbara (BJCS) Thank you for sharing about the book. I will be looking for it.

Please remember.....everyone who has lost a human or fur family member..... LOVE NEVER DIES.....NEVER!!!!
We lost a pet chihuahua on July 4th.

Since then, three times.....I've felt a fast wet little lick near my ankle....something she did when she'd follow right behind me. (usually when she was happy and knew she was going to get a treat from the refrigerator.)

I just thought I was imagining it, but after reading everyone's own experiences....Pehaps she really is near?

quick edit: I just asked my husband if he ever felt it too....and he glared in amazment....because he had! I could tell he felt like crying. So then I mentioned this post, and that's why I wondered.

Funny how he never told me, and I never told him.....but now we know :)
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What cool stories to read, its amazing to see how much our little critters care, to come and tells us thats everythings ok now.

Whenever I hear about any thing such as this, I remember I book I own and have read through 3 times: "If Only they could talk" A lovely journey with many neat and tearfuly stories!

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