Out of Work...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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It has kind of laid on my heart lately to pray for people out of work. If you are out of work and are actively looking for a job I would like to pray for you today.

We have experienced so many blessings, prayers, words of wisdom, and support. Even from a sweetheart member of this forum! I just want to keep the blessings flowing, so if you feel the need to post/send a private message I would like to pray for you today. I pray that God sustain and bless you and give you purpose, faith, hope, and great courage!

I read this today and hope it gives you encouragement as it has given me:

Hebrews 13:5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you."
I will pray for this year to have a great turn around.

Yes, so many need help and jobs, hope this New Year 2011 brings us all hope and what we all really need, not what we want..
A lot of people were laid off from Walmart the day after Christmas with no notice whatsoever. Some were there from the day it opened back in 2006. No fair. These people have bills and mortages and kids to feed like everyone else and they should have been warned in advance. My friend down the road got her horse farm foreclosed as she fell on hard times too. I am sure people everywhere will appreciate your prayers Tab.

Hus just officially retired as of January 1. He had to slow down as he is 70 3/4! That left me out of a job for the first time ever so I got a job at my Dr.'s office in town despite Hus'insistance that I can't be on the road every day. As my luck would have it and I never listen anyhow, we had a blizzard so I missed my first two days being iced in up here and subsequently had to quit and hear the "I told you so's" ugh. I like my own money and my own paycheck so I'll be working from home doing a number of things because I am not one to be unproductive. But I am worried about a lot of other people out there.

Nice thread Tab.
Please pray for my husband today, he has an interview!!! I will keep you in my prayers, Marty, and those who lost their jobs at Wal-Mart. 77 jobs lost in this county very recently and they have been trying to shut my Dad's shop for years now. 200+ jobs there. 2010 had been very tight but we learned a few weeks ago that my husband is losing his job. His last day is tomorrow. It could be the best thing that has ever happened to us. Time will tell.
Tab, will be praying for your husband and the interview today.

On another note, I'd really like to encourage folks out of work to try their hand at self employment.

I've a ton of ideas from mine and others experience that I'd be willing to share if anyone wants me too.

Amazing what work is out there we can do on our own and all we need is a little know how and creative thinking.
Hi Tab, I've been thinking about you and your family a lot and I'm praying that your husband's interview goes well. Just remember to keep the faith and HE has a plan.

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