We started breeding in 2001.
We have had from 1 to 5 foals each year.
We had one foal last year and did not breed for 2008 or 2009 at all.
In fact we have sold our broad mares and have mostly geldings now.
I agree with Keri, its cheaper to buy what you want instead of breeding
for it.
We also love being able to sleep throught the nights in the spring instead
of listening for the alarms and watching the moniter.
We can
also go more places together instead of one of us having to stay home
during foaling season.
I also don't miss the mixed emotions about who I am selling to and wondering
if I made the right decision for the foals.
Making the decision to quit breeding was the best decision we could have made.
It has been like having a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. Sometimes
I miss the little nuzzles from the babies,
I have friends who breed , so if I need a foal fix I can visit.