Here is one of my boarders on my new pony Zena, I Really like this pony, she is so sound minded and very very smart. Plus she can jump 3 foot from almost a standstill!
She rocks! In the backround you can just see my other pony, who is a rescue. Her name is Daisy, and she's still a bit underweight...
Here the previous girls sister on their horse Smokey, who I bought years ago along with my best lesson mare, Sassy. We called it the "Buy her get Ugly free deal." Poor guy, but he's a Very good boy! (We just don't talk about his ears)
Here is another boarder on her fablous trekaner mare Cinder.
And here is my "Head student" Caroline, with her boyfriend, on the ever patient Fandango. I love this picture!!
And here's me..... Here is my Sassy mare I mentioned before... at my other house on the water, in the back yard, completly unconcerned.
That's my "Big" sister, over visiting from Sweden in front of me, I am the busty thing behind her.
And here is a shot of me and "The Fat Mare" as we all lovingly call her, just hanging out at my dad's house, I just love this mare, we have utter trust in each other!
*Edited to add, which picture do You like the best?*
(*Note I am a trained professional, as is my head student, I do Not condone sitting double, or on a horses hindquarters, espically without holding the reins. These are specially trained horses, and are very tolerant, Please Do not try to attempt!!!*) Said for the benifit of our "friends".