Please, daddy, please!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
London, ON
Picked up some lovely chicken shish kabobs. So I barbequed them up and made myself a salad and sat down to a yummy meal...And then THIS was in my face lol


Seamus is actually respectful and shows remarkable restraint; we taught Casey and him to not get up on tables/counters. Seamus is allowed to sit on my lap at the table, but only when I'm not eating. BUT (and here is the BIG BUT) he is very vocal and rubs against my legs and raises up on his hind legs if I open a can or, well, really do anything in the kitchen lol. And, as you can see, will sit in another chair and try to coax me to give him some; it doesn't work on me; nothing worse than a huge beggar lol. Casey will just lie there patiently (they always get a bit of yoghurt in the morning) and wait (he's very very good).
OMG, he's beautiful. I have a beggar, too, and mine's not too picky, yesterday it was lime jello and she liked it. Awhile ago, I thought I'd give her something she wouldn't like, in hopes it would stop her begging, so, I gave her a piece of pineapple... she likes it.
Too funny. My boys get their yoghurt in the morning on the floor in a bowl. That's it. And just a tiny smidgen of a spoonful. That's their treat. I can't imagine what a little monster Seamus would be if I fed him treats all the time
Mmmm chicky-bobs! Nom nom nom! Me want some please?
I think, if he could use the emoticons, he's be using this one
OMG! Adorable! How in the world could you resist that face even for a second???
OMG! Adorable! How in the world could you resist that face even for a second???
He's so precious, Parmela. He's a HUGE snuggler. Since he's going to be our stud, I'm hoping he doesn't start spraying because I love having him in the house (the first hint and he's going to be relegated to the "boy area"); every morning I wake up to him in the crook of my arm, snuggling. I can't wait to see his kittens in a year or so...
Well you already know that I could never resist that face...haha....... ask Izzy, she will tell you.....she sits on my lap almost every morning while I eat my english muffing with peanut butter....and if I don't give her a taste of p-nut butter...she will get closer and closer and then I might see a paw on the edge of my plate.......she is incorrible....but you know what, it's my own fault and I will totally own up to it...she is a beggar and I can't tell her know. Saidi is the same way with Ken when he is the in the kitchen....haha......

Love his face...he is going to be a great stud......

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