Have you news that Sodapop won the contest?
Sadly she didn't win, but we're going to try again next Christmas!
We didn't know voting started December 1st, so we missed out on 19 days worth of getting people to vote.
I'm hoping next year they also put up the photo backdrop in a room with more light in our store; the flash made her look a little scary in some photos according to other people! But I do have a load more of pictures to share!
I think my favorite is the one of her smiling!
My partner, who isn't used to how big horse pupils are, says she looks scary and demonic in these due to the red eyes from the flash LOL. He says because it's her they're still cute, but that the smiling one is 'the stuff of nightmares'.
Then the same day we did the photoshoot, we also went to TSC; where the manager took our picture and sent it to me!
And then we went to Aldis and dollar general, which she did great with.
She's really coming along in her training, and the general public is pretty accepting towards service horses in my area. I think it helps that they're used to seeing Ponyboy, my service dog, so they're just assuming she must be the same.