Poor little kitty

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
Because of the bad weather I came home early from work today. On our boulevard was a scruffy looking cat--I thought it was our Oscar, just kind of windblown, but I did wonder why he was out there heading for the ditch. When the truck went by, the cat ran back into the trees. When I parked by the house he was there in the trees so I called him. He ran away. So, I came into the house & looked around, & sure enough, there was Oscar, asleep on Mom's bed. Then we knew the cat I had seen was a stray.

We're no stranger to strays; over the years we've had plenty of them. Some come from the neighbor's--he does not neuter, spay or feed his cats. Unless he gets some new kittens from somewhere, his cats are generally kind of wild. Other strays have been dumped off out here. This one is surely a drop-off.

We have a cat door in our house. Tonight I heard growling, then this cat poked his head in through the door. He looked around & disappeared. I went & got a dish of canned food & waited. His head popped in again & I stuck the food under his nose. Well! That lured him out. He inhaled all his canned food, then he tied into some dry food. In between chewing down the dry food he was rubbing & purring & kissing. This cat has been without food for awhile; I can feel the shape of every bone in his poor wasted little body.

I have no use for anyone that would dump a cat in warm weather. What I think of anyone that dumps a cat out in the coldest part of winter cannot be printed here.

Kitty is now sleeping in my bedroom--he's got dry food, water & a litter box, & the door is shut so our cats can't bother him. He's not shivering any more, and for the first time in awhile his tummy is full.
Poor little guy!

At least he showed up where someone would tend to him and give him a "paw" up.

Just seems so silly for people to keep on hauling them off to dump when the humane societies/shelters take them in, etc. So much more considerate than just dumping them.

Liz M.
Although I am definitely NOT saying it's okay to dump any animal anywhere for any reason, many shelters (like those around here) are often full and will refuse to take in more critters. Obviously people should plan for the care of any animals they own and speuter the majority of them, but giving up pets at shelters even as a last resort is not always an option. :no:

Anyway, that cat is glad to have found you, Minimor. Will you be posting pics.?
Nikki, you aare so right, the SPCA here is always full up--they have a waiting list but when you're on the list, they never call to take the animal. Instead they take animals from the pound--not a bad thing, because those animals have only a few days to live if not claimed/adopted/rescued. There is one pet rescue in this are, & they are short of foster homes....& they also take animals from the pound. So, people are left to dump animals when they can't give them away or won't spend the money to euthanize them....and I do believe euthanizing them is more humane than dumping them.

Sure, I'll be trying for some pix of the kitty a little later tonight & will post a couple later!
Ookay, taking photos of a starved cat doesn't work so good--he either refuses to get his nose out of the food dish:


Or he absolutely refuses to sit still & pose because he's hoping to beg some more food from the person trying to get his attention:


Anyway, the photos do show you his coloring, and they don't show how thin he is!

You can be sure he's acting very happy to be here!
Poor little kitty, Why I don't much like a lot of people!
Thankfully there are people like you in this World......and I have to say I don't much like a lot of people either! This kind of thing turns my stomach. How anyone can live with themselves after doing something like this is beyond my comprehension.

Thank you.

I'm afraid I have to agree with many animal people......... I have much more use for animals than lots of humankind these days......

Thank heaven that kitty found you!


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