Pop Quiz: What is YOUR ecological impact?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
A crosspost from the discussion forum at www.EcoEarth.info:

Take this quick test to calculate your demands on the planet. It only takes about 3 minutes and asks you about things like you diet, transportation, housing, etc. The calculations are based on UN data


"Redefining Progress's Ecological Footprint Analysis measures the amount of renewable and non-renewable ecologically productive land area required to support the resource demands and absorb the wastes of a given population or specific activities.

From a sustainability perspective, when humanity's Footprint exceeds the amount of renewable biocapacity a draw down in natural capital is required and this is considered unsustainable. Global Footprint accounts over the last forty years indicate a twenty-five year growth trend beyond the amount of renewable biocapacity. In short, humanity's Ecological Footprint appears to have breached ecological limits and is thus unsustainable.

Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA) also raises several important social equity concerns. When the total amount of ecologically productive land area included in EFA is divided by the human population, there are about 4.5 acres (1.89 hectares) available for each person."

About the project:


For info about data sources and calculation methods:


By the way... I scored an eight.
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Unfortunately, it all adds up.
Just look at your results positively: NOW YOU KNOW. What more can you do to be less destructive? You are already way ahead of most people in this country who will score around 24. Live more naturally and help spread the word.
not sure what I scored but my footprint is 12 acres and since I live on 10 and am trying to become self sufficient...well not sure what to think....I will say that is definately geared toward the veggi peta tree huggers...........the extremists actually..........as I am quite ecological in my life but not wacked out survivalist world is ending tomorrow

I live in Idaho everything is far away unless you live in town......most people still burn their trash here...all of it or they pile it out back.......finding recycling stations is a plain pain in the arse..........so by force due to where I live I am not as green as I was in washington..............oh and when we were building our home from scratch the company we worked with DID NOT believe in using insulation and environmentally sound windows and building practices.................

anyway for those who feel dismayed...look at where you live and if the green movement is even available in your area
"....I will say that is definately geared toward the veggi peta tree huggers...........the extremists actually..........as I am quite ecological in my life but not wacked out survivalist world is ending tomorrow" runamuk

Obviously I don't think this is a veggi/PETA/treehugger/extremist website or I wouldn't have posted it. I'm not a supporter of PETA, I like meat and although I have been known to "hug a tree" now and then I'm also not an extremist throwing myself down in the middle of construction zones to "save the world."
: I do think that every little thing a person can do to live more naturally is important, however. Information like this website is just one way of showing the drastic impact we all have on our planet and it should make people really think about making some changes if they aren't too closed-minded. Ultimately, if your community isn't green or could be greenER, what better contribution to our earth than to start something and get more people involved? Sitting back and just doing what's convenient isn't going to solve anything for anyone. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
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LOL! Wow, now there's something I won't be able to do while living aboard on a boat! Oh well. I guess I can always FISH the poluted water around me... :smileypuke:
Interesting that there were no questions about computer use on that quiz. It takes no fewer than 32 mined minerals to make a computer. Plus the electricity used. But I guess since it was an online quiz, that would not be PC to bring up.

I scored incredibly high for an organic farmer. LOL I hope I don't loose my organic status! I'm pretty sure it's the 300 to 500 miles a week I put on the ol' work truck. I suppose all of us rural folks should give up our trucks and move to the city where we can use public transportation and live in tiny little houses with no running water or electricity. Although I'm not sure who that would leave to grow the food and get it to the rest of the world.

Runamuck, I think you hit the nail on the head. Entertaining, but hardly scientific.
"I suppose all of us rural folks should give up our trucks and move to the city where we can use public transportation and live in tiny little houses with no running water or electricity."

Or maybe you could look into alternative fuel sources for your old work trucks or try a few ways to improve fuel efficiency...
: but I guess it's more dramatic to say you should just ditch the vehicles and the farm and move into a hut in the city while the people of the world starve without you.

As for the computers, well... we'll talk about that when you live in a hut and I'm starving. I'll Email you! LOL! :lol:
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As for the computers, well... we'll talk about that when you live in a hut and I'm starving. I'll Email you! LOL! :lol:
:lol: Now that's funny!

I guess I look at some of the environmental movements the same way some people look at organized religion. I see it as hi-jacked by extremists and the truth gets lost somewhere in all the hysteria. JMO though. :saludando:
This is very a very interesting survey, and should cause everyone to take a look at how they live...even if you can't change some things due to circumstances. Of course, there are always those who take great pride in their lack of environmental concern.

Our total footprint is 7 (would need 1.6 planets if everyone lived as we do), and I don't feel we're doing nearly as much as we could -- we eat way too much packaged food (lazy munchmouths that we are), and living in the sticks, we drive way too many miles in a non-fuel-efficient van. We do plan to buy a used hybrid in the future.

We always try to make up for our shortcomings, however. For example, as a graphic designer, I'm responsible for a lot of paper and printing ink being used, so I always specify post consumer recycled stock (preferably 100%), and soy-based and/or water soluble inks...and request that my clients always recycle. We burn a small amount of garbage, but we're also guerilla recyclers.

The point is, nobody's perfect, but everyone can try to do their part. Don't be defensive about where you fall short -- be proud of what you do. Just as everything bad adds up, every little good thing counts. Do what you can, then try to do a little bit more.

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