My dearest family & friends & neighbors,
It is with a sad heart that I tell you that Dean is no longer with us in body. He is now in the great cloud of witnesses cheering us on in life's race.
He fought a good fight, he kept the faith right to the end when he was escorted into glory by the angels. The Holy Spirit is sustaining me and all my loved ones like you!
A few days before the shingles broke out on his face, we were having our evening time reading the Bible in bed before we went to sleep and an unusual thing happened. Dean was wide awake and he said, "Did you see that?" I said, "What do you mean?"
He said, " I saw bright white feathers like a wing of a Dove or the tip of an angels wing just move across the end of the bed and out the window!" We were so happy because we thought that was a sign that Dean would be healed. We prayed the next day and were impressed with some scripture to look up. There was a verse about and angel and one that said, "Death has no more dominion over you!" Some verses were about miracles. Once again we thought Dean would be healed. We never talked about death.
They had to put him on a ventilator on Friday around 8:00 or he would have been gone then. We were so glad that we had 12 hours to say goodbye to him. We prayed right until the very end for healing, but we know his work was done here on earth and we are O. K. with that. We all had a chance to tell him, even though he couldn't respond, that we loved him and we thanked him for all the special things he had done for us. They say their spirit can hear you. Our spirit never dies, just our body. It was a precious time of sharing, crying, singing and reading scripture.
We decided as a family that it was time to let him go on to heaven and as soon as the ventilator was shut off, he was gone!
So all the dreams that we had of Dean being well were of him being in heaven. It really helped to encourage us over the past year.
We know that if Dean was to be healed, it would have happened without the ventilator. When our work here on earth is done, then we can go home. Dean had asked the Lord Jesus into his heart many years ago, so he had been walking side by side with him. So when his body died, he now is fully in His presence.
He was the most wonderful man I have ever known! He was a great husband, neighbor & friend!! I will miss him so-o-o much, but the Lord has promised in His word, that He will be my husband, now! He will be my provider and helper in every way. He will use my loved ones to help with that. Friendship is God's way of loving us!
I will need your prayers now in a different way. You have been to faithful to do this for the past year!!
To all those who have wanted to visit over the past months and we had to say no, please forgive us and try to understand. It was so-o hard for Dean to breath when he would talk very much.
Thank you all very much for every little thing that you have said and done for us!!
We sure do love you, Judy & family