Prices on sales boards and website

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First Welcome

I too am guilty of forgetting about one site to update - I reduced a price for 2 weeks hoping to see movement and then well after I'd put his price back to my org asking price someone emailed me. It was an honest mistake and just forgetting I'd listed on that site, all other sites had been changed but the one. I then honored the lower price anyway. Wasn't her fault I had a

At this time of year you might think about expanding your search with Nationals and Worlds 'just around the corner' you can often find transport very reasonable priced since so many are already traveling. just a thought... either way good luck in your search
I understand that many people have different prices out there for any number of reason, one being mostly they forget where they've posted and another just simply forgetting to update. I believe most people are very honest but l also believe some aren't. I think the easiest way to help those searching for horses is to mention on the farm website that the price for the horse may be on sales board and may be incorrect because of forgetting to update or having problems with the board and that the price on the farm website is the correct asking price as of (date). My problem is with the farms where the variance in prices in common and quite extreme; these are the farms whose honesty I question.

I always do as much research as possible before contacting the seller and my research almost always leads me to a farm website and there is where I believe the information is most accurate and up to date or should be but when I see a huge price there and a much smaller price listed somewhere else then I stop and wonder what is going on.

Also thanks to those who have welcomed me or welcomed me back. I have been reading a lot, just not posting very often. I guess I visit more to learn than gripe
. I hope no one who has honest reasons for not updating their pricing is not offended by my post since I hadn't questioned any of your pricing; just those in my regional search.
Yep, I am in the situation that I cannot get into my site info to change stuff right now... and it is hard, when you have horses listed on several sales sites, to keep up with them all sometimes, or one not comonly used might have been forgotten totally............
Here is my addition to I had a full size app colt that I needed to sell. I had him priced at 1500.00. GREAT bloodlines, gorgeous colt. He was our last full sized horse and looked so lonely. So I had him on several websites.....and forgot where all I had him. After a while I just needed him gone so I dropped his price to 500.00. A girl called me a few days later and said she wanted him. He was perfect for her. So we talked about her coming to get him and she would bring the 1500.00 for him......I said to her, "Oh no I must have missed an ad somewhere because I dropped his price to 500.00". I don't think she believed I could not let her pay 1500.00, which she thought was GREAT price when I had ads for 500.00 on him. She would have never known, but I would have and I felt it just wouldn't be right. I had forgotten all about the ad she found.
Here is my addition to I had a full size app colt that I needed to sell. I had him priced at 1500.00. GREAT bloodlines, gorgeous colt. He was our last full sized horse and looked so lonely. So I had him on several websites.....and forgot where all I had him. After a while I just needed him gone so I dropped his price to 500.00. A girl called me a few days later and said she wanted him. He was perfect for her. So we talked about her coming to get him and she would bring the 1500.00 for him......I said to her, "Oh no I must have missed an ad somewhere because I dropped his price to 500.00". I don't think she believed I could not let her pay 1500.00, which she thought was GREAT price when I had ads for 500.00 on him. She would have never known, but I would have and I felt it just wouldn't be right. I had forgotten all about the ad she found.
Now that's honesty! Believe me, people talk and word gets around and when it did inyour case, it was good words that were spread.
I thought your comment about all the horses you find you want are on the other side of the country!

I am in California, and EVERYTHING is east of me, often FAR east of me.

You can not let that stop you from bringing in great horse stock.

It is often not much more to ship a second horse. Often I find that if a breeder has one horse that I like, they have two horses that I like!

I actually like bringing in more than one horse in at a time as it seems easier on the horses to come with a friend.
We have recently expanded our search further from home. I have no clue as to how to get a horse trucked from point A to point B but I guess it can be figured out. We were actually looking at a colt on LB auction site that is located in Texas but I don't know how to get it here so I will keep searching.

Not more than ten minutes ago a seller suddenly changed a meeeting time to see her horse. The horse was advertised for $1,200 and then the price dropped to $900. I emailed her and she said the horse was still available. We emailed each other back and forth regarding time etc. She gave me her cell number so I called and left a message that I needed her address so that I could look up the directions. I then emailed her for the directions and she sent me back an email that said that today would not be good afterall, that tomorrow would be better because she has a family coming tomorrow to look at the horse and if they don't buy her then she will call me. Problem is this family suddenly appeared from out of the blue and they are jumped in front of me. These are the type of people I seem to be dealing with and it is getting very frustrating. Just the other day I enquired about a package deal and was told one of the mares was in foal and that she would be sold with a contract that the foal is to be given back to the seller. What in the world are these people thinking? It seems to me that if you sell a horse in foal that the foal belongs to the person who buys the horse, not that the foal comes with a bungee cord that makes it bounce back to the seller. The deal is I have dealt with this seller before and had good dealings but this foal goes back to me threw me off and I wouldn't deal with this seller again because it just seems wrong to sell a mare in foal and want the foal back when it is born. If you want the foal then keep the mare until the foal is born and weaned. Maybe we just have some nutcases here in New England?
We have recently expanded our search further from home. I have no clue as to how to get a horse trucked from point A to point B but I guess it can be figured out. We were actually looking at a colt on LB auction site that is located in Texas but I don't know how to get it here so I will keep searching.
Not more than ten minutes ago a seller suddenly changed a meeeting time to see her horse. The horse was advertised for $1,200 and then the price dropped to $900. I emailed her and she said the horse was still available. We emailed each other back and forth regarding time etc. She gave me her cell number so I called and left a message that I needed her address so that I could look up the directions. I then emailed her for the directions and she sent me back an email that said that today would not be good afterall, that tomorrow would be better because she has a family coming tomorrow to look at the horse and if they don't buy her then she will call me. Problem is this family suddenly appeared from out of the blue and they are jumped in front of me. These are the type of people I seem to be dealing with and it is getting very frustrating. Just the other day I enquired about a package deal and was told one of the mares was in foal and that she would be sold with a contract that the foal is to be given back to the seller. What in the world are these people thinking? It seems to me that if you sell a horse in foal that the foal belongs to the person who buys the horse, not that the foal comes with a bungee cord that makes it bounce back to the seller. The deal is I have dealt with this seller before and had good dealings but this foal goes back to me threw me off and I wouldn't deal with this seller again because it just seems wrong to sell a mare in foal and want the foal back when it is born. If you want the foal then keep the mare until the foal is born and weaned. Maybe we just have some nutcases here in New England?
Nope...I had a seller ask me if I wanted to take the mare and "foal her out" then they would pick up the foal when weaned. I think that happens more than you think. b.t.w. I didn't do it...too much worry foaling a mare out for a foal that won;t be mine
Gee, Sometimes if I post to different sites with my minis I may forget to change one. Anywho that being said I always go with MY website price because that is where I change prices first. With us downsizing now on our minis i guess I need to be more careful when I post our prices. Thx for a heads up as I don't think we are all trying to be dishonest or anything.
because it just seems wrong to sell a mare in foal and want the foal back when it is born. If you want the foal then keep the mare until the foal is born and weaned. Maybe we just have some nutcases here in New England?
I don't think that such a deal makes anyone a "nutcase". This kind of deal is made often enough, for whatever reason.
Thing is, there may be a particular mare that A wants. B, the mare's owner, is willing to sell the mare but wants to keep the foal that she is carrying. A doesn't want to wait until fall when the foal is weaned to buy the mare, because A wants to breed that mare to his own stallion in the coming breeding season. A buys the mare, foals her out, breeds her to his own stallion, then later weans the foal and sends it back to B. Works for quite a number of people.

I was once trying to buy a particular mare that was in foal. Seller finally gave me a price but said she'd only sell the mare if she could get the foal back at weaning--if she wanted that foal. If it was a colt, the foal would be mine; if it were a filly and the conformation and color was right. I saw nothing wrong with this but didn't buy the mare because I knew I'd never want to let the baby go in the fall--and I knew I wouldn't be able to afford to buy the foal at weaning. So, a month later the seller relented and said okay, you can buy the mare and the foal she is carrying, and so I then accepted that offer. As it turned out I got a filly with the right conformation but not the color we'd all been hoping for!

The only thing with those taking the foal back deals, sometimes all terms are not set out clearly in the sale contract, and then problems arise. Buyer won't return the foal--or buyer will return the foal but only if seller pays a huge amount for "expenses" involved with foaling out the mare. I know one case where the mare was sold & foaled a black colt--buyer wanted to keep the colt (and did), seller claimed the foal was never supposed to be a part of the deal. I don't honestly know which party was telling the truth as to what the deal involved, but I know they had a huge fight over it and there were hard feelings between the two people for the rest of the life of the one party. There was no sale contract, only a verbal deal, whatever that deal may have been.
Shipping a horse is not that hard to figure out. It seems that the horses lately, (5 out of 7)I have found good homes for have gone to the east coast most of the time the last couple of years.

The expense needs to be kept in mind but the prices seem to range greatly. That simply means it pays big time to shop around a bit.

The little gelding I sold will go to New York the end of August.

Prices ranged from 1600, down to 500 and one quote just under that.

Some haulers are very good and a few not so good.

We will always keep the horses until transport can pick them up without chage unless it is going to be more than a couple of months then a small board might be charged if it was the buyers decision to wait a while.

If it is a problem arranging transport that happens and is understandable.

Hope you can find what you are looking for.

Ask for any picture views youcan think you might need.

Sometimes we have video clips available for folks who would like to "see" the horses way of trotting.

We have done pretty well both buying and selling this way.

I always try to keep my website updated so that is the real price, if another price is seen on another sales board well the price on my website is the true price.
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Thanks everyone for your replies and your answers to why some prices may vary. I am sure most of you are right and your reason's are right on target. I guess the best a buyer can do is search and ask questions and go with gut feelings when you feel something is not on the up and up with a breeder.

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