Prices to geld?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2003
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Sorry I hope this does not offend and Vets out there, not intended to do that.

The price in our area is $200.00- $275.00 depending if there is any problems. THis is for minis.

That includes the sedation, the gelding but does not incude the call fee.

This is very pricey I think, I am going to ship my guy off to a large animal vet he is going to charge me $120.00 and that includes one night stay.

I am just wondering what everyone else pays and maybe this is why my area is full of stallions??
I think it was about $160 for having Bacardi gelded, not including the farm call (but had the vet do a bunch of things while he was here).

Our vet charges less for younger horses, more for older.

When you think about it, though, it's kinda a bargain for how much easier it makes the horse to maintain!!!

Also, I have to say, it would take more than $160 to get ME to come out to someone's house and spend about an hour at my profession............

I'm always pleasantly surprised at how reasonable our vets really are when you consider how skilled and educated they are.
My recent one was $100 total at the vet's clinic (outpatient :bgrin )--that included sedation, penicillin, etc. A cryptorchid surgery would be about $300.

It is about $200 here, including the farm call, sedation etc, for a normal gelding.

For a retained testicle, you have to go to New Bolton animal hospital or to the one in New Jersey, and that costs with sedation, etc around $2,000.

This is in South Eastern PA.
$120 (which included the farm call) to have the vet out to do one.

When she came out & did 3 in one visit it averaged out to $77 each, farm call included.
I try to have mine done when I have all the coggins drawn and then we usually have more than one. The farm call is a flat $45 and it cost about $90 to $100 for each gelding and about $20 for each coggins. I am in Illinois about 30 straight East of the Arch in St Louis.

My vet quoted me $350 - $450 if their were no complications, to be done at my place. I am not sure if the $55 farm visit would be additional. He said to expect to pay at least $400, this was last year.

My friend a little north of here was quoted $1,500- $1800 to geld her cyrptochid stallion.

I don't think this price is outrageous, the standard geld but I would make sure I wanted a gelding before I went forward with it

It costs over $200 to have a male dog done around here so I would expect to pay more for a horse.
Retained testicle surgery is not a viable proposition here, I am afraid, it is over $5,000.00 and the animal has to go into one of the Royal Veterinary Hospitals near me- that is the problem of having these places- they are prohibitively expensive and the Vets do not bother to have the equipment- just referr people there. So any colic surgeries are done there as well, and unless the animal is insured, this is not attainable either- it costs $2,000.00 as you go through the gate!!!

Straightforward gelding costs me around $300.00 including call out, per horse, and I try to have more than one to do
I paid $800 for criptorchid surgery, and it would have been about $100+/- with the house call for a regular gelding when he was supposed to be done 9 years ago.
The last ones I had gelded were $75.00 for a routine gelding not including trip charge. A monorchid cost $100 to geld. These prices were from a couple of years ago. I'm guessing it's gone up a bit since then.
I posted the prices for a routing gelding, but forgot to say--a friend of mine had monorchid surgery done on a 2 year old QH last year; this was done on-farm and his bill was just under $300.
My vet charges $75 to do a straightforward gelding.

He'll geld any crypt for $200, no matter how buried the testicles may be.
My vet charged $85 last year at his clinic for routine gelding.

Regarding high cost of gelding contributing to the large number of stallions and intact colts being sold. Of course it contributes to it. Very few are going to spend $350+ to geld a colt that they can then only sell for $500. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and obviously $350 spent on a horse that you have a purpose for is well spent.
Here it is $85 for a mini or $110 for a big horse if there are no complications. It cost me $95 for Little Man because of his size and age (9).
I will have to pay $270 cdn. for my colt to be gelded...and that doesnt include the call fee. Its ridiculous :no:

I had 2 gelded a couple of months ago.. bill was 400 bucks. They are happier, out with the herd, and both will be very nice show geldings!

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