Hallelluah!!!!! We have a foal.... its a boy, so my nail test must have been from twirling the string, lol. Thank you all for replyiing to my banamine question.... she seemed to be very uncomfortable after having teh foal, and I was concerned about his being able to get something to eat. Finally, the dose I gave her must have given her some relief as she did get up and the foal was able to nurse. I also think she was absolutely exhausted! Once again, I had to go in and "unlock" one of the foals elbows...same thing happend on Destiny. Once I got it loose, the foal came right out.
Now.... get this scenerio.... checked her at 8pm last night. Had not dilated, did the ph test..still 8.4, even checked the color of her hooha. Thought to myself... ok, probably get a good nights sleep, but decided to sleep on the couch anyway so I could watch the camera if I woke up. 1:30 am this morning she's rolling around in her stall and pushing. Whats with the test strips???? Can it really change that fast? Anyway, we have a very vocal, very active little guy...

Now.... get this scenerio.... checked her at 8pm last night. Had not dilated, did the ph test..still 8.4, even checked the color of her hooha. Thought to myself... ok, probably get a good nights sleep, but decided to sleep on the couch anyway so I could watch the camera if I woke up. 1:30 am this morning she's rolling around in her stall and pushing. Whats with the test strips???? Can it really change that fast? Anyway, we have a very vocal, very active little guy...