Rescued mini from killpen

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New Member
Sep 16, 2024
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Killeen Texas USA
Hi ! New member here.
I rescued a mini from, she was with her 6 month old colt that sold right away and was with 4 other studs, 2 studs sold and she was left with the 2 youngest studs.
They said she had been exposed to and could possibly be in foal. She was approximately 75 pounds under weight, her neck sunken in, ribs showing, hips sticking out. 18 years old, no front teeth just a real mess skin issues. She was in quarantine for 6 weeks. She has been in the barn for about 5 weeks and doing great. Had the vet out to do her teeth and she said it looked like she was a cribber but she doesn't cribb. I had her ultrasound and it was negative. Now I've been around horses most of my life and even breed my stud and mares. Minis are definitely different from the big horse. She looks pregnant to me and when that belly is all on one side and then on the other?
I have ordered a preg test for her, but those are not reliable either. So I am asking the more knowledgeable persons on here what do you think, I'm not familiar with minis but I'm learning real quick with this little spiciness that is coming out.20240916_130518.jpg20240916_130001.jpg20240916_130502.jpg20240916_130031.jpg20240916_130448_01.jpg
I don't know. It's hard to tell by looks, especially if they have had foals before. I think that internal ultrasound is good for like the first 100 days. External ultrasound is better for the next 60 days, and after that it can be very iffy. Not totally sure about that, but that's the idea I get. If her colt was 6 months old, then quarantine, then in your barn she could be as far along as 9 months. If you can get a pee test that might be the best results at this point.
Welcome kay! She is a very lucky little lady to find herself in a caring home! 😍

She has obviously been through some extreme hardships to have been so underweight. For some reason, I can’t open your photos, but is it possible her muscle tone is nonexistent and adding to the pregnant appearance? If she had multiple foals one after another, her body would never have a chance to repair itself. At 18, she is a senior but with your care and help could easily have 10 or more years ahead.

Thank you for giving her a chance!

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