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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
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Northwest California
[SIZE=18pt]Yesterday I noticed that one of my daughter’s shoulder blades was sticking out more than the other and I did some reading on scoliosis. She will be 13 next month. I had her do the bend over thing and sure enough it looked like in the picture I saw. Now I am worried sick and have a dr appointment for her tomorrow.[/SIZE]

Do any of you have kids with it? From what I read they usually take x rays and just keep an eye on it and possibly use a brace. Or in bad cases surgery.


I am writting this big hoping that Lyn has some input on the matter.
Although you are right and caring to worry, if she were going to be in trouble she would be in it by now. No-one is born perfect- everyone has a slight scoliosis of some kind. If however you are not happy with the Dr's answer you keep on asking and prodding until you are. Good Luck, try not to worry tonight, there is nothing you can do.
Although you are right and caring to worry, if she were going to be in trouble she would be in it by now. No-one is born perfect- everyone has a slight scoliosis of some kind. If however you are not happy with the Dr's answer you keep on asking and prodding until you are. Good Luck, try not to worry tonight, there is nothing you can do.
Thanks Jane, I will try not to worry but I am the queen of worry.

If there is one thing I am good at it worry. I Just hate being this way grrrrr.......
I have scoliosis that was found about age 11 or 12 during a routine school exam. The only problem it has ever caused me is when I was trying to learn dressage and had some issues with form. Other than that--no biggie at all...I wouldn't even know if I hadn't been told.

I have scoliosis that was found about age 11 or 12 during a routine school exam. The only problem it has ever caused me is when I was trying to learn dressage and had some issues with form. Other than that--no biggie at all...I wouldn't even know if I hadn't been told.

Thanks Amy

My daughter never noticed anything either.

Other than her shoulder blade sticking out funny I never would have noticed it either.

Then I made her do the bend over thing and thats when I saw the differnce from one side to the other.

They never did the test in her school yet, I think they are going to do one this year in the spring.
My step-son has a variety of it, His curvature goes from front to back instead of side to side. We found it when he was about 14 and they had him wear a brace to slow it down. He could take it off during sports but wore it every minute other than that. After about a year and a half, He could take it off for 8 hours a day, then longer and longer until it was on only at night. Then, when he was about 18, they decided his bones were done growing and he didn't have to wear it at all anymore. He looks like a slouching teenager with poor posture. Nothing special there, except he can't stand up straight like other kids can when asked. The brace fit under his clothes and wasn't really noticable unless you know to look. Best wishes in your situation. Linda
I have a reversed curvature in my neck that caused me to slouch when I was a teen as Linda described her step-son doing. I went to a back specialist who thought 'scoliosis' (as years of toting a heavy backpack over one shoulder had altered my posture, as well), I wore a back brace for some time (hated it), and then had a year's worth of chiropractic care. At home I slept on a special pillow, had to do a set of exercises to strengthen my back every day and my mother was constantly reminding me to STAND UP STRAIGHT. It all worked out fine, my neck is still screwy but my posture is good. I hope it's nothing for your daughter as Jane (rabbitsfizz) said.
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I was told I had scoliosis when I was a freshman in high school, through a physical for sports. It's never been a huge issue, but when I sit for too long, my shoulder blades feel like they're on fire...the only way to make it stop is to walk around.

I also go to the chiropractor once every couple of months or so. No biggie
My sister had a slight very mild scoliosis, but she still had it.

She got it from carrying her hockey bag on one side all the time. So she had to start switching sides every time she picked up the bag...I think she also did some extra exercises.

She moves fine though. It didn't hinder her moving in any way.
my son just got diagnosed with it at age 16 last fall. our dr said most kids will get diagnosed at either age 13 or 16. right now its not very bad but we are keepign an eye on it. he will be re xrayed in the summer to see if its changing at all.

JO.. I was born with it... As a child it was at 35* S curve, on top of that the lower half is twisted almost side ways. Twisted enough I was 1/2" off one side...felt like I was always leaning. As I a child I Could care less,, did not stop me from being a kid and running in the woods, riding horses,, and climbing trees.

My parents opped not to put the bars in my back. The Doc just kept an eye on it. Most kids have a very normal life.

However, no one told me that it could relax/straight out when I was pregnant. After I had my son, the pain of it re twisting was un real. Of course having Military medical did not help matters. But it took about 2 weeks for the pain to go away...right after I could not walk.

So for the future,, when she has a family she needs to talk with a specialist about it.

Car accidents can also make it get worse as I found out.

Jo,, I honestly do not think you have to worry. <HUGS>
I have scolioses. The doctors new I had it for a really long time but it didn't get too bad until around 4th or 5th grade. In 5th grade I had to wear a brace at night and by 6th grade it was getting worse so I had to wear it all day. By 7th grade, because of the rapidly increasing curve, I had to have surgary. I have a syrins that makes my curve grow very fast and makes it almost impossible to stop, hence the surgary. I still have a slight curve to my back and some scars but it beats wearing a brace the rest of my life! If your daughter wants to talk about it with anouther teen I'd be glad to give her some advice, especially if she ends up having to wear a brace or have surgary. My email address is [email protected]! And relax, it will all work out and I'm sure your daughter has a very small curve, if you just realized it now!
My daughter has scoliosis. She was born with it and is missing two vertabrea in her back. Unfortunately hers wwas severe enough to require surgery for rods and pins when she was 12 to keep her out of a wheelchair. She is now 21 and does great. The first thing she wanted to do after she recovered was to ride her horse!
: She had a very severe case though and it was pretty obvious. If you're just now noticing it, your daughters is likely a very mild case. Good luck and don't worry!
I know riding gaited horses has helped me a lot for both problems I have.

Also know a few people that had it worse than me that have gotten better riding.

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