Sold/pending who dont sell

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2009
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Is it just me this happens to or dose it to others?

Earlier in the week I recieved a email about my colt that's for sale and the gal said she really liked him and wanted pictures and more info. So I go and do it and she responds that she loves him and his parents and want to come see and bring her trailer cause shes 99% sure shes gonna take him. So after 4 emails we made arangments for today at 2:00pm to come and see/pick him up. Well 2:00 came and went, 3:00 came and went, 4:00 came and went! So I contact her with no answers!


I hate time wasters and for goodness sake, just say nevermind, not gonna make it, or change my mind, or just anything!

So after wasting my time, afternoon, and time in putting togather his folder and getting all his stuff rounded up and ready to go, here he still is (which I dont care as hes a cutie!) and now need to put all his adds back up and and wont be going to buy grocries and new pots/pans tonight...

Im bumbed, disipointed, and angry, but also glad he didnt go with someone who has no respect.

Sorry for the rant, but I needed to.... LOL
People are flaky. I sell things on Craigslist occasionally and the flaky percentage is like 75%. Nothing is sold till money is in hand.

Sounds like you were dealing with a youth, as parents were mentioned, so that does increase the odds that a sale won't go through.
I think when speaking to obviously young people, you must always ask to speak to their parents. Always request a telephone number too, so you can call when people do not show up on time. Doesn't just happen with horses. My daughter has been selling her farm. Made sure the 11 stall barn was spotless and not a weed in sight. The people made an appointment, but never showed or even bothered to call. Just plain bad manners, in my opinion. If they decide to try to see it again - too bad. It sold to the next people who did keep their appointment.

i had an apt to look at some horses on sunday but i have such a bad cold i wouldn't wish this cold on anyone. i did notify the seller and will reschedule if she will let me-and i so looking forward to see her horses.

so-things can come up-and oh if only i was young again!!!!
No horse is sold til all monies are in hand. Just like disneyhorse said. I will mark a horse down as sale pending once I get a deposit, and that's a non-refundable deposit btw. As a breeder you have to protect yourself especially in today's economy.
Just to clarify--Mindy said this buyer lived the horse and his parents, she wasn't talking about her own parents--I gather this was an adult not a youth.

I wouldn't take down the ads on any horse until I have money in hand -- and I would not put sale pending until someone said 'I will take him'. Someone wanting to come look, 99% sure, isn't a sale pending, it is just an interested person. Too many interested persons are no shows!

Never count on having theoney to spend until it is actually in your hand.
I wasnt dealing with a youth, this was a grown adult woman. And never put sold on adds, just deleated them for a week. Just now have to redo them all and put them back up on a dozen diff websites.

Oh I see where the "youth" thing came from... haha. I should have said pics of my colt and his sire/dam not parents lol!

Anywho, she did really seem really interested and very excited to come to see him. She even asked for my address to mapquest and see him in person. Asked if she could bring her trailer just incase she loved him. All in the end to pull a no show, no call, no answer her phone. Thank goodness I had the day off from work so no missed time/$ from this. Just time.

Oh well she just was'nt ment to own one of my lil babies!
Maybe something happened and she didnt have time to phone you or take your number with her.

I was to go tomorrow and look at one but my mom went in to the hospital and they rushed her to

a bigger hospital and she is in ICU and I just got home now and phoned the lady but if I hadnt come

home I wouldnt of been able to phone her. Just wasnt meant to be.
When I was selling, I always asked for 20% down if they wanted the horse held. If the horse was not what they wanted I would refund the 20%. Things do happen, but a call is always much appreciated. It can be frustrating, just as spending an hour or two on the phone with someone, or answering a dozen emails and being asked if 25-30% of the price would be acceptable.

It is funny, but it always seemed a horse ad would have no response, then out of no where you would have 3 interested parties.
Forgot to mention one other thing. Even in this economy, horse stealing is alive and well, all over the world. Always get a phone number and call the buyer back to make sure it is legit, before giving out your address. Always take down the number of vehicles, lookie-loos arrive in. Two friend of mine have had horses stolen, after people had come to see them. One in England and one here in the US. The one in England was never recovered, but happily the lady here has recovered her horse.

Almost everyone has a cell phone now, it shouldn't be hard to call and cancel an appointment if something comes up. I understand emergencies but most of the time I think it's just thoughtlessness. I've had no shows as well, and when buyers show up now I'm pleasantly surprised lol.

Craigslist is almost useless, so many spammers on there now. The last couple of ads I have run generated those "I want to buy your item at the last selling price" kind of responses.. Interesting too how the internet has killed newspaper advertising - years back we advertised in the classified, and there would be a couple of long columns of horse ads. Now - when I pick up a paper and look - there might be one or two ads.

I'm old I guess... I still like the newspaper but its days are numbered.

the same thing happens over too, I must learn to insist on deposits , several times Ive had people say yes they definately want the mini and ask me if I will remove advert until they can collect , the collection keeps getting put back and after lots of delays and several weeks I have to call them only to find they have changed their minds , well I dont care that they changed their minds , what I do care about is that that didnt tell me !!!
Since I sell dogs as well as Mini's i deal with this all the time. People who make appointments but never show up. I always get their phone numbers, so when they do not show up, I call. If they do not answer i leave a message wondering where they are, as we had an appointment and I got everything cleaned up and was waiting for them for several hours. then I say, i sure hope everything is alright. Figure I will give them a shot, but then end it nice so they, hopefully, will feel bad. i never know, because I never hear from them again, but it makes me feel better for a waisted day.
Yikes, good advice from Lizzie on the stealing horses thing....!!

People are right- folks ARE flaky! Unfortunately it's not just craigslist or the economy. I have seen this happen many times over the last 40 years and yep, am just glad the horses didnt go to folks like that, that can't even have the courtesty to say they have changed their mind or they are not coming out. Nothing like making plans to be there and spend time and share info with your buyer, and waste hours waiting on some flake who doesnt show up.
Slightly off topic - several years ago now i was looking to buy an AMHA stallion and had set my sights on Dragon. Unfortunately Robin had decided to withdraw him from sale, so I continued looking and made enquiries about another boy. I had received info and pics from the owner when Robin made contact with me to say that she would let Dragon go if I was still interested. Of course I was and I immediately contacted the owner of the other stallion to thank them most sincerely for all their help and to apologise for not wanting to continue to a possible purchase. What suprised me was that I received a very nice e-mail back from them, thanking ME for letting them know so promptly which I did not expect as I felt a bit guilty about sort of letting them down!

As you have all pointed out, a quick phone call or e-mail, as against 'rude' silence, can lead to happy feelings all round and the way open for other possible sales/purchases in the future.

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