Speaking of sheep...

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Aug 4, 2008
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Catlettsburg Kentucky
My 3 neices got some lambs to show at the fair, they are trying to tame them down and work with them.

It's their first experience with lambs, so any suggestions are welcome.

Does anyone have any tips on how to tame them? They have them haltered with a catch rope that they wear all the time

Are sheep treat motivated? What treats do sheep like? They have tried butterscotch horse treats, but they weren't very interested. The lambs don't think clover is good enough either.

Is there a favorite itchy spot that sheep like scratched?

Is there any hope for sheep, or are they just too flighty?

I am in the process of halter training my two Katahdin lambs. And back when I used to raise and sell heritage breeding stock sheep I halter trained them too.

Just like horse's, some are easy and some take more time.

My son did 4-H but we used my Black Welsh Mountain sheep. He did halter train them but when showing 4-H you don't use halters.

I just found it easier to handle sheep, with a halter on.

Best fitting halters I have found for sheep are the ones for Alpaca's.

You can use a little oats or alfalfa pellets to use as bribes for sheep and I found 99% of sheep love the grain bucket.

One of my lambs love to be scratched around the lower neck and sides of his shoulders, the other, not so much.

Here are a few links to take a look at.



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Thanks Shari!
I'll read the links, and get the girls to try alfalfa pellets. I'm going to try to make them some nice halters from some pretty colored rope I have. The halters they have now are made of rough sisal rope and have to hurt! They tried the smallest sheep halter, but it was too big!

I think this will be the last year for showing sheep tho
Just like any other animal, some sheep will tame down and others won't. I had one that was so skidish that she ran into a fence and broke her neck. So we had lamb.
You are welcome.

That is why I went to Alpaca halters, they fit much better on most sheep, than sheep halters. Silly I know.

Sounds like your homemade halters will fit perfect!

Yup, lots of work showing 4-H and where we were at at the time, very political and many of the mothers were rather Caty. Didn't make it pleasant. Hoping you are not having to deal with that.

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