Texting Codes for Horse Lovers

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Nov 30, 2002
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I received this from [email protected][/i]

Texting Codes for Horse People

OOH - out of hay

LAS - lost a shoe

JBM - just bit me

FOMHL - Fell Off My Horse Laughing

FTC -- Forgot the carrots

MIHA -- Mare's in heat, again

IPTI -- I'll pick up tennis instead

LWW -- Lesson went well

MSMBO - mud sucked my boot off

HSIH - Horse Snot in Hair

HAO - Hay All Over

HIMB - Hay in My BRA

PIHH - Poop Induced Half Halt

UD - Unplanned Dismount

PTTDG - Prayed to the Dirt God

MMM - Master Manure Mucker

OOM - Out of money

MHTS - More horses than sense.

BAHHFDP - bought another horse husband filed divorce papers

GBBF - got board bill, fainted

GFBF - got farrier bill, fainted

HRHCF - husband realized horse costs, fainted

SLH - Smell like horse

DQFOY - Dressage Queen fell off - yipee

HTNHFH - Hiding the new horse from hubby

WWFNS - Will work for new saddle

AROGC - Arena rained out - going crazy

SSB - saddle sore butt

BTLGR - b###hy trainer left - good riddance

ALIGAR - At least I got a ribbon

NLT - No lesson today

HGR - Have a great ride!
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LOVE IT!!!!!
So funny - I could be texting MSMBO but I might have to change it to MSMFBO AGAIN lol
Lisa, Thanks for showing me that I'm not too old to understand texting abbreviations -- I heard you loud and clear!

We need to add some for minis...

WWFC&H -- will work for cart & harness

HAHBLM-- Husband afraid of horses but loves minis.

SISBIH -- small in size big in heart

YDOMWC -- Yuck! Don't open mouth while clipping

YMBLBYCSOMF -- You may be little but you can't stand on my foot!

TFKBYMIS -- Thanks for the kiss, but your mouth is muddy

TCFW -- Too cute for words

GHMA (sorry, you'll have to guess this one...longtime forum members should have no problem)

Finally...wait...you know it's coming...

TLPC -- They're like potato chips
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So funny. ROTFLMAO, TIME (tears in my eyes)

Wish I knew how to forward these to other horsey friends.
LOL, Loved them all... but susanne I need help on GHMA
I'm coming up with Good Horse My .... (ummm , not good so...
You have it half right -- shall we say the back half?

I love what you guessed -- I keep laughing because it's so true so much of the time! I know I could say that to Mingus and Scarlet frequently! (never Thelonius or Flash...they're always good)

Hint on the other half: it's a group of people who are misguided at best and quite nasty to boot.
well, that helps clarify things a bit but I can still fill in with a quite a few different words LOL, most rather inappropriate for this forum
I've had a lot of fun guessing tho, entertained myself with some truly ridiculous choices.

Helicopter, just highlight the text you want to share, right click and choose 'copy' then open your e-mail or wherever you want to put it and right click again on the blank page and choose 'paste' Easy as pie.

I forgot two...

WATGF -- what are they good for?

To which we reply,

EBR -- everything but riding!

If anyone has additions, please add them!

KILWSL = Kissed on lips with shavings mouth.

Happened to me this morning. And yes, I had sticky lip gloss on. It was gross but made me laugh. My own fault, because I leaned down to hug Esprit who was laying down having a little nap. I said, "Bye for now, Buddy!" And he gave me the smooch.

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