Took Guinea Pigs

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2007
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Northern Nevada
I got a call this morning from a school teacher. She was wondering if I could bring some guinea pigs to her class. They are trying to decide if they are getting a guinea pig or hamsters for the class. I have 1 sweet boar that was born in January that is so much like his dad that walked around the class purring and talking to everyone. I am hoping they will decide on the guinea pig. I think that guinea pigs are so much better than hamsters because a hamster is too small and can get hurt easier. I am donating the guinea pig if they choose him.
sounds fun! i would just make sure that they know what they're getting into, and also make sure that no one is allergic. i would also give them care sheets and such, esp. on diet.

also, would someone be there to care for the guinea pig on the weekends, vacations or snow days?
I had 2 males I got as a kid that lived happily together. They were amazing pets! I'm not much of a rodent fan, but the gp was much more personal pets. When I would get home from school and be talking to my mom in the kitchen and the one male, biggles would whistle to me from hearing my voice. They never bite me and would cuddle in their hammock together. If u put the gentle time into socializing them they make great pets!!!
sounds fun! i would just make sure that they know what they're getting into, and also make sure that no one is allergic. i would also give them care sheets and such, esp. on diet.

also, would someone be there to care for the guinea pig on the weekends, vacations or snow days?
The teacher has owned guinea pigs in the past.
That is great! When I first started teaching, one of my co-teachers bought two guinea pigs as class pets. I had never been around them and figured they were just like big hamsters with more hair!
I couldn't believe how much personality they had! They made great class pets!

I had a rabbit for a class pet that we adopted from the humane society. She was awesome! We would let her out of her cage and she would hop around the room and lay down by the kids and cuddle up next to them when they were sitting on the floor for story time.

I hope she goes with the guinea pig - he sounds like he would be a great fit for the room!


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